
Why don’t they start by issuing Truck GPS as part as an option in Google Maps, so people don’t run into overpasses, or end up on parkways which they aren’t supposed to be

Sucks but whats the main rule you learned in the incredible’s... NO CAPES!!!

What’s the exact issue with the Honda engines and why is Honda just sitting there and letting this happen instead of providing a fix?

4-door 4-seaters... whats the point? just add the bitch seat in the middle. VW-CC and now this

all of the GTs are terrible looking cars. Even the front end

My issue with these new headlights are that they are too bright. one time i was driving home and i was at an intersection making a left turn going west and there was a car in front of me trying to make an opposing left turn at that same intersection going east. as i attempted to see a car coming behind that vehicle i

How did Forza pass Gran Turismo. Well in the graphics department and releases... Does it play better too?

That’s GOOD for him... Going into other countries and disrespecting. If there is one thing i hate is when people travel to different countries and then complain about their way of living and also going places and disrespect. I hate that littering crap too even here. Pick up your trash. Lucky he isn’t in a place like

How come no one pressed FIFA on this?

Umm... Why??? We know what happens with Rotaries.

Question... How many stadiums are being built? and why are so many stadiums being built for only one event? Does Qatar have enough Soccer Teams to support all those stadiums being built? Instead of forcing countries to build things they don’t need, why don’t they play in host countries where the host cities already

why is this 4000Lbs?

Where is the rest of the team? We all know why they are going to lose. No one else is putting in work

John Mara Said that signing Kaepernick would lead to fan backlash.

What happens if the Lakers don’t take him?

Going from Charlotte to Monaco to Indy would be outrageous. So many crashes from lack of sleep

I think any convertible or car with an open roof would be fine. driving with the top down is always great when the sun is out

What if... Just what if all these things are happening on purpose just to mess with the media, because of all things no one still has asked wheres the proof. taxes, wire tapping, Russia, classified information, anything Sean Spicer said... Its been over 100 days and no ounce of proof yet the all the media outlets are

Everyone knows that Boston doesn’t speak about its known racism issue... look at the city map its completely segregated

You think Vegas got a bet on how long it would take for him to get injured?