
Is there noreason why none of these guys bought up the fact that we have wasted billions on the F-35s?

  • A dealer seeking $157,290 in payments on an Audi S5.

no more having to do the ol’ reach around to turn the car on

It’s 2015... they cant get a non grainy photo? look like someone took that photo with a flip phone.

Hypothetically speaking... If they mass produced this engine and put it in ALL Chrysler cars, how much do you think they can drive down the price of a car?

and it’ll be our modern day Dusenberg right?

That roof can possibly save you from magic bullets in Dallas

Drive around like The Transporter all day long

This car has more dangerous edges than a glass coffee table.

any compact car... Start at 200; mid-size start at 230-250; large 275+. If you mass produce these engines instead of having 30 different engines. mass produce 3 different classes. you save yourself and the consumer money.

Looks like it is resting right on the paint.

I couldn’t read all the way (work). how did the card finish the race if no refueling?

not comparing models but even the base mustang has 300hp. im talking power in general... None of the stangs HP ratings are under 300

What are the comparisons to the Mustang. Where’s Stat Boy. 270 looks a bit skimpy to 310

I’m black and even i know to turn the damn camera...

If you live in NYC there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to go to subway. You can get a boars head Footlong at any store for 5 bucks

When did you test drive this car? The Leaves are forming not falling?

Ford has a similar commercial for the ECOBOOST Escape. I cringe every time i see it. More than Half the people in the commercial/driving these cars would not even know whats going on under the hood/drive more than 65 on the highway

Stop being a pussy and enjoy the drive