@BPL5683: I had forgotten the name, omg. downloading now. I love you. :D
@BPL5683: I had forgotten the name, omg. downloading now. I love you. :D
@ossuary: Simple math. If you look at the population rate increase, in the past 200 years.. it's insane. In 200 years, there will be many more billions of people out there (As, you can tell people not to breed; but they're like rabbits)
Well, I still have my V-Card, but I have a girlfriend so I'm unable to check out the site for you. Sorry. =P
I'm still waiting for them to investigate the chamber underneath the sphinx paw... I want the maps of atlantis if I have to dig them up myself. :(
@krushyou: I'm quite aware as to what normally causes them, I'm just saying that my system had one completely out of the blue when those problems aren't present..
@Ryan Buckwalter: haha, no creative for me ;D It may be dust in the machine, I'll have to check. All drivers are up to date; and I've made a number of modifications to keep my comp in tip-top shape..
@bigtimes: I just had one on windows 7 less than a week ago; so it most definitely still exists.
@criosray: Well it was the end of the world for a day for some people, Due to a Y2k bug in the calendar, all ps3's shut off earlier this year so it was moderately scary thus it's a small victory :\
@khalilwheatley: I know. It's more of a new beginning; a new era of thinking coensiding with the age of aquarius- but we'll see.
'About 2013' is technically 'almost' 2013, and the 2012 thing is technically due in december, so go figure, haha.
@SSgtTEX: heh, I see.
@SSgtTEX: mm, Mine isn't just tweets, it was a nice backup though.
Hmm, well over a hundred contacts with different links and things, very nice :D
@jamescobalt: You just earned a heart & filled my future bathroom with the proper equipment.
@Ccomfort: true, most universities & such do that; and that applies for multiverses on different levels; but also think about gravity itself..
@rlee: We've had quite a few, but we have to send them back to the manufacturer because people either want a free phone with no features (just call) or they want a smartphone in which now-a-days blackberry doesn't do enough; (havent sold a blackberry in months either) and windows mobile is non-existant (I've sold a…
@Ccomfort: mm, see it as you may. The trick isn't to propel yourself the speed of light, it's to bend space in a method that you're moving faster than light.
@ima747: It doesn't always mean higher cost, the reason for low prices on the app store is due to the intense competition- the app can still remain 99 cents if it's sold in volume, and the refund policy wouldn't affect that if it's a good application.
@JakeMG: Ω Man: That's exactly what I said, haha.
@tw@t: True, though google's rolling out a way for that to be done on android apps over the next few months via cloud authentication methods.