
@jackcrack7: Hmm, I thought they had a fee for under $10 apps for the first 24hr (prior to june 1st) then afterward, only for apps over $10... If that's not the case, sweet.

@mbschneider1: Just add a secondary box above with some wire & you'd have a nice grill.

@JakeMG: Ω Man: Who cares; if there were less fart apps; the world would be a better place.

@luciusad2004: Have to agree with you; apps that offer less than a day's usage/re-playability shouldn't even be on the store... just a waste of money, like buying a soda but having to keep the can.

@Segador: I don't think it would hurt them as much as you'd think; on my Nexus I've got quite a few 99 cent apps that I rarely use but I keep anyway.. though that could be akin to me not having to do anything once the 24 hour window is up in order to keep it. (the example here entails that you have to pay for it after

This would certainly be an improvement.

Hmm, well as a T-Mobile sales rep I've never sold a symbian phone, but well over 100 android phones.

Am I the only one dying to know what the 5 trillion+1'th digit is now?!

@coalheartly: Dude, I don't think inspiration quotes would do it.

Still love Android's refund policy.

Holy Sh!7, if I was moving to NY, I'd room with him.

@Snafu77: O_o I hadn't seen it either... picsay pro might get quite a bit more interesting now, haha.

@numo16: Ah, I've got the fundamentals down pretty well. I've been doing 3d-similar stuff since I was around 8ish, and I turn 21 on Tuesday. (K-NEX.. thinking in wireframe from an early age, milkshape 3d at age 12 ;))

@Ccomfort: I'm quite well aware of that, haha. That's why I have food backed up for extreme cases, a girlfriend of 4 years; and the mental state that I can deal without food for awhile if need-be. (I could stand to lose a few pounds, and we're on a well so water's free)

@wagedomain: exactly, which is why perception doesn't matter: You're simply dealing with constants.

@Ccomfort: See, it's that method of thinking that will make it impossible.

@Fossa: Either that or the next einstein... Being born and directly being applied physics has to account for something.