
I'm way nostalgic about the Flying Boat era. I've often thought it would be cool if someone bought one of these and retro-fitted the aircraft for passengers, resembling the "Clippers" of that era.

The food safety issue is a bigger concern in Washington, and is one of the many reasons edibles are not sold here yet. The pot stores are open, but the edibles are not on the shelves, too many variables. From what I've recently read it looks like Colorado is now enacting some of the same regulations regarding fixed

I've heard of "shake down" tests before, but this takes it to a different level

"the lack of fire (hence, no pottery or metallurgy)"

Seems like an excellent place to put dark wizards.

That makes sense. They harvest old buildings in Seattle occasionally for red clay bricks. Still seems like a waste.

Aside from the giant hole those guys made that tower looks to be in reasonably good condition, wonder why they tore it down, personally I'd want to live in it.

Wow, its the Venture Estate. I should have known it was based off something like this. All their stuff is based on either a factual person, place or object, or futurism from the 60's/7o's. Also comic books, can't forget that.

Ron Moore sure likes that "museum ship" concept.

"Why humanity would build a ship that would save us, without enough life boats to return home baffles the mind"

I have to give this show props for introducing a character we had never met, killing him off and actually making me care about it, all in the same episode. When the Dad said bye to his daughter for the last time, I totally lost it.

I was really hoping this was the new solution for dealing with orbital junk ;-)

Nobody has mentioned the fact that the dimensions of this plane are significantly larger than the 80m box limit that currently exists on Jumbo Jets. Even the A380 was designed to fit inside that standard. So all existing airport infrastructure would have to be significantly upgraded, just to accommodate this thing on

Am I wrong in thinking this documentary is 10 years old? I swear I have a copy of this on video from my early college days.

The concorde did end up proving profitable for atleast British Airways. After its retirement, they stated that their fleet cost them 1 Billion dollars in total over the years it operated, but netted them 1.75 Billion. This would actually be considered largely profitable in an industry that routinely loses money.

I think specifically for VFR flying its the same even/odd scheme, but + 500 feet.

Almost right. You fly at even thousands and odd thousands. i.e. flying westbound you would fly 2,000 , 4,000, 6,000, etc., eastbound 3,000, 5,000, 7,000. Theoretically this leaves 1,000 feet between aircraft going opposite directions.

The smoking room was actually rather secure from accidental fire. It was the only pressurized room on the ship, as to keep any hydrogen gas from leaking in. There was an inner and outer pressure door between the smoking room and the rest of the ship, between the two doors was an antechamber, this is where the bar was,