
4TH Gear

The flat-12 Subaru developed and failed to put in any race cars

Did they purposely not show the back of the interior to hide whether it has a transmission tunnel or not?

While I completely agree with you, playing devil’s advocate, my guess is that it ever so slightly boost MPG numbers which, on an SRT aren’t important, but on the more civilian models can make the difference for marketing

I share in your inexplicable Toureg affections.


I find them in the lake

Very smart idea, those are southern Alberta and they still suck hard in the winter.

Just come buy a 2016 from me in the Great White Northern Republic of Canada!

In Canada we still have Mazda5 with a stick for 2015 and it is showing as available for 2016 as well!

This is how it looks to me

One of the F1 announcers called it a beaver. Do non-Canadian people think they run rampant here?

It was EVO, you beat me to it

So what I gather from this article is that any car that had pop-up headlights taken away was irreversibly ruined? Seems fair enough

I had a Saturn Astra, and say what you want about Saturn as a brand or Opel/GM as a manufacturer, nothing, and I mean NOTHING that could be bought for under $20k handled as well as that thing.

You guys already covered it

It no longer looks like it is wearing a thong!

Red Key. Black Key system a la Hellcat?

I would just run what I have just deemed the "shift-boot camp" or "parallels-parking" programs on my Apple car to enable me to switch back and forth between the traditional system freely.