
There are only a handful of companies making airbags, do you have any idea who makes the airbag in your vehicle?

This is all pointless, I was under the impression that every car in the world is now tested exclusively at the 'Ring.

What is the range/recharge time when it is being used as a warp drive?

I took mine with me too out of my parents house.....it is now relegated to the basement man cave next to the signed Lewis Hamilton picture from when he still drove a McLaren

I've always felt we should have our own designated "not an old person or hippie subaru drivers" lane. It would make everything better for everyone!

I hope you are right about the Cayenne effect on this one. If that bloated whale means we got the 991, 918 and the Cayman GTS, I say let's see what the blokes from Hethel can do with an actual budget!

Most informative reply so far!

There is at least one in Canada that I have seen before at a car show. My 6'8" buddy put his hands on the wing and it looked like he was pushing a shopping cart!

Jukinsky has a better ring than torch juke

I'm the same with my Impreza.....dry pavement makes the car feel like its going to tear itself apart. As soon as I see snow and ice I get a little giddy!

It shouldn't be any different than buying it in the States and declaring it at the border?

What if I can get it sent to a U.S. address?

Damn your Anti-Canadian propaganda! WE ARE PEOPLE TOO!

Canada wins!!!!!!!

a lot of dealerships have a dedicated warranty clerk

It looks like it has a smaller car trying to escape from it

Flew from Toronto To Barbados for a week.......My bag arrived in Barbados the same day I returned to Toronto

Michael Bay will not let this hit the mainstream! If the public finds out that gas tanks won't mushroom cloud when you shoot them, how will he make movies!!!!!