
Uhnnnnf. Right in the feels.

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I love Pino and Ergo Proxy. She's such a great character. Now I gotta go watch me some EP...

He's busy being the Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah. Being awesome is a full-time job.

True enough. My husband, who just managed to get out of a hospital stay in time for his 50th birthday got that AARP membership form in the mail that week. You can't imagine how fast I shit-canned that card before he could see it. Insult to injury, I say.

I wish my mom had done this when I was young. We spent every Thanksgiving at Aunties house with the entire family every single year. As Auntie and her generation aged and died off, there was no alternate tradition to take it's place. That was right about the time I moved off to college. Now, 30 years later, I never

Responding "I'm due about the time your foot comes out of your mouth" also works wonders. I've gotten that before, but the weirdest one was from a guy in the elevator to my pediatrician's office. Here I am, with a 2 week old in arms and the dude asks when I'm due. I was flabbergasted. Dude, I'm holding a 14 day old

Lysol was much more than a feminine hygiene product in the early 20th Century. Douching with Lysol was widely used as a method of birth control. The pre-1950's product used a different formula, but just as dangerous to women. Check out this series of Lysol ads aimed at women.

I'll play Blacks & Whites with you if you'll play Class Struggle with me. I get to be the tractor!!

I saw some of the first promos for The Island at that year's San Diego Comic Con. The roomful of geeks ALL knew it was Parts: The Clonus Horror with a makeover. The jokes flew for a bit and then it was forgotten until the lawsuit. How they ever thought they could get away with showing it at SDCC I can't imagine.

That is literally how they view the 99% - a bunch of angry villagers looking to storm the castle with big sticks and little wit.

Is that J. R. "Bob" Dobbs and his lovely wife Connie? Looks like a great new locale for Dobbstown!

Hey, that's me! At last I'm going to be available on DVD, as it should be. I've waited a long time for this. Also looking forward to the Turkey Day Marathon on 6 episodes: 3 Joel & 3 Mike and all MSTie goodness.

Nah, you cook only 1/2 the stuffing in the bird for the first 2 hours. When you take the bird out to turn it over (you cook yours breast down first, right?) you take out the stuffing. Put the bird back in right side up for the last bit of cooking while you mix in the lovely turkey basted stuffing back in to the rest

I'll just leave this here:

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I've loved Kate since I watched her as a kiddo as Mrs. Columbo. I was excited when she was cast as a captain in Star Trek. Finally! However, this will remain my favorite version of Janeway, ever:

Perhaps something like this?

I hope your friend realizes that Minnie is just the nickname for Minerva and goes for the full name. Minerva is an awesome adult name and the nick is perfect for the kids.

I homeschool my 4th grade son and our social studies curriculum is Native Americans this year. Covers 10 big tribes, hits all the main historical points and throws in a bit of culture. Thing is, the book refers to everyone in the past tense, as in
"The Navajo were...", "The Sioux used to...". They do this for

I know it's not quite the same, but April Winchell (Helen Killer) is still plugging away over at her main site. There's still plenty of comedy gold to be found there. CF4Lyfe!

Hopefully their next offering to the cake gods will be a giant Blucifer cake.