
Is that what they are calling it these days?

"Excuse me, can you point me towards the 1080p brooms? My last broom was only 640x420 and I'm sick and tired of cleaning in SD!"

Out of water??? Better order some online....

$1000 for something that can't even be turned on?


Haha I wish, but sadly I don't live in NY of CA.

Seems important so I'm not sure why it was omitted, but the price is $49.99 and $69.99 for 4GB and 8GB respectively

I went to VT, but transferred after a year. The system is so good I STILL get notified of anything happening there. Great School GO HOKIES

Also, only drink water with certain meals. I associate food with what I drink and don't like switching it. So when I go to Subway and get a turkey sub I am already programed to associate water with that meal.

This definitely made me think of that Top Gear episode...

daveqsang. speaking the truth daily, in 4 words or less.

Im also in MD, and can attest to the effectiveness of said flicking method.

fourth this, justhost has had way to much downtime recently. looking for a move

Completely Agree

"conferences" hehe

woah woah woah..... this cant be THE MC679LL/A !!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree this actually looks quite good!

"it's good to be Apple in this situation"

My high school computers used to do this. This combined with .bat auto-shutdown files that I would leave in the shared network folder kept me amused all 4 years. God that was fun.

I use a combination of a 1TB Time Machine for local backup, and idisk for online backup. The mac application Transmit is an FTP client and file transfer app that makings syncing my important data to the idisk cloud simple as One click. Expensive, yes. But Its incredibly simple and easy to set up/use and I have yet to