
What, you don't have keepsakes of anything? I can understand that maybe for you seeing a tattoo on yourself from many years past its relevancy would be a bad thing but for me it is a link to my past self. Tattoos are not about betting you will be the same person 20 years from now. And they should absolutely be

It's a cake. It means nothing but flour and sugar. Do you think when this couple is picking out bathroom tile or baby names it is going to matter what was hiding in the cake? A lot of life is personalization which has nothing to do with maturity.

I could see this as being true only for things I have a passing interest in. If someone paid me to play disk golf, I'd probably drop it. For writing or playing Magic:tg, hell yes I would take it.

I don't know how I feel about a sequel. This movie stands very well on its own. The video game world may have room to expand but I don't know if Ralph and the others do. They did a good job of exploring the inner turmoil of the characters and I think if they try that route again it will fall flat and if they make up

You know, I understand the disgust of some roaches falling out of a game case but I think that if someone threw away my game and came to say I could get my game from the dumpster behind the store I think I would be pretty livid. Come on man, get a spine. Roaches are not so bad you have to that afraid of them.

Cool. I don't know that it ever came up in Strunk & White. Not that I agree with everything in that little book. But then I was always told by my English teachers that rules of English were only guidelines, really.

I almost consider myself ambidextrous. I may write left-handed, but there are several things I can do right handed or with both hands. I shoot pool right handed, i hold a guitar right handed, I can throw a disk-golf disk with either hand, I can use scissors with either hand (though some scissors only work right

I chose glass for a few reasons. 1. Durability (spend 20+ bucks once and last as long as you don't drop it. Prices very though I got mine on sale.) 2. Cleanliness (ability to boil or put into dishwasher if you really want to get it clean. Bleach can also be used. Important for anal play.) 3. Ability to chill with ice

I thought this was a great ep. except for two things. One, why were there 3 or 4 payphones within the same 10 feet? And I did not like how the FBI guy died in the end. WE have been following this guy for several eps. now and he is done in by the woman we all, and I mean ALL, saw as not dead and coming back to cause

Winter Storm Ice King (only affects those of the female persuasion?)

Ok, off topic. Is it 'an' 1896 fantasy novel or 'a' 1896 fantasy novel? I can honestly say I have never had to distinguish between 'a' and 'an' for a year written as an number.

Man, I want to make a joke about how I, as a male, own 2 glass dildos, 1 large vibrator, and a nice sized butt plug, but I somehow think it will get into an argument on gay vs. straight genes.

Because the handle faces the right? I know, I'm holding my beer mug from the left.

Except for the good Lord Akeldama, it seems that most of the vampires throughout the series are a hair's breath away from being villains. Alexia talks about how killing immortals seems wrong even in self defense but the vampires don't seem trustworthy enough to have a good place in society. If there is anything they

I bought the whole series off of Amazon based on this future disscussion. I normally don't do that but it seemed cheaper. I'm glad I didn't just snag the first book as I read through all 5 one after the other over the course of two weeks. I would have had them done sooner but work, you know?

What I am concerned about is the method they use to judge obesity. In the article above it looks like they are using just BMI which I do not like as a good measurement. It dos't take into account actual health or muscle or level of activity, etc. And I have never liked using weight as the main indicator of overall

And if we bury him ass up, I'll have a place to park my bicycle.

Mr. Glass should be taken off of this list imminently. I don't follow every villain on the list, but Elijah Price actually succeeded in his grand plan. What he wanted, the whole crux of his scheme, was to find an opposite equal. Price was searching for meaning to his life and he finds that in David, a man who can not

I addition to that, radio broadcasts in all directions. However, if we switch to something like lasers for long distant communications the signal would be highly pinpoint and nearly impossible for someone to intercept. So if one planet sent a signal to another planet in another system, not only would it only travel at

I bought vN and to be honest it kinda bores me. I put it down so I could start reading Soulless, which I loved by the way. vN felt like it had some good ideas but it centers too much around vN food and the failsafe being used by pedos to grab vN children. What I have read of it, and I am near the end, all was pretty