
I would just like to point out that Minecraft started at 10 eros in alpha then went up to 15 at beta and 20 at full release and people are still buying it.

Man, I feel ther is a Hitchhiker's Guide joke for this somewhere, but I am just not smart enough to figure out what it is. I need a drink. One pan-galactic gargle blaster please.

He is one of my fav bat villains just for his costume. Man I miss Batman Beyond.

What about the sling? A weapon capable of hitting food at a distance?! It will be the downfall of Hominids!

If we could get a show like The Wire, but in a space setting, I would hire prostitutes for every cast and crew member weekly for the length of the series. The Wire was a show that was made with substance and style any a science fiction show that had the same moxy would be well received.

No, no, we can still have a zombie outbreak. Have you read Mira Grant? All we need is a virus that cures cancer to cross with this cure and boom, zombies. Sure in the book it was the cure for the common cold but there is so much cold/flu medicines on the shelves I'm sure it won't matter much.

My DS lite is wearing out. I need a new 3DS just so I can replay the first 3 EO games.

I would like to make my own gym. There were plenty of children who had their own gyms in the game so age isn't a factor. And with a custom gym, you could have a custom badge that could be awarded to players that beat your gym.

Wow, I go to sleep and miss a wall of text.

What I find disturbing about Sleeping Beauty is all the pine air fresheners. I mean who wants to make a porn smelling the fresh scent of pine? And that place looks a little low-rent to be spending that much money on little pieces of card board with some bad perfume sprayed on them. Shit be expensive, guys.

Maybe the series was commissioned by Stan Lee?

You may not like them or call them art, I would call them unimaginative for the most part, but not you nor anyone has to right to put a limit on what anyone else calls art as long as it does not infringe on other people's freedoms. For one thing, one person's ugly is another person's beauty.

Cabin Fever was one of two movies that have made me sick. I could not drink water for some time after seeing it.

Scientists don't run because they are not professional politicians. While scientists were off learning to decode the secrets of the universe, politicians were off learning to be politicians, learning about the ins and outs of government and leadership, public speaking, fund raising etc.

You know, back several years ago I read a series of Star Trek/Sailor Moon crossover fanfiction. If I remember right there were several stories at least one for each of the ST series out at the time, TOS, TNG, DS9 and Voyager. They were really good and stayed true to Star Trek and Sailor Moon, at least the American

I think I get more creative with my writing when I am drunk. The problem is I am a bad typist to begin with and once I have had a few drinks and go on a writing spree I can hardly make it out later.

Odd, the comments say that this is a great anime, but this post about a porn parody is the first I have heard of the show.

Hate to break it to you, but Transformers was Transformers without Transformers. Transformers was "Shrapnel the Movie Staring The Beef"

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"Predicting when a complex system will go through a sudden change is hard..."