
Rambo Jesus?

Oh my god, "Cura Te Ipsum" should be in the good list just for the way it ended! You realize he was talking about himself as much as the guy right? And leaving the ep to fade to back without knowing if he decided to kill the guy or not? Greatness!

Sure, you had two stories here. One,, Madge losing her husband and having to put on a brave face for her children and two, a forest of sentient trees fleeing form the acid Apocalypse. If they had at least another half hour they could have meshed the two together a bit better rather than the only link between them

There was some good stuff here but this is one of those times were the ep is crammed with too much stuff and really needs to be two hours to get it right.

"He's developed a drug named Draco..."

I didn't like that they let Wash die but I did like that she said "You have your father's eyes" before Lucas shot her. I really think with as unstable as Lucas seems to be, saying that he is like his father has got to be the best way to hurt him.

We should put this one the next gold disk we send on a deep space probe. I wouldn't mind Muse being our space ambassadors.

They are doing an HD rerelease of ZOE 1 and 2 right? Maybe that will spur some interest for a new ZOE.

It would have been 10x better with alien ships though.

"When humans ventured into space, the never thought they would encounter the Space Loop Wall!"

Have you seen what people can do with legos?

They also kill hundreds of resured animals every year and put them in a big freezer. What was the site...

Must be nice. If any store did that around here that would be the first place I would go to, assuming the prices were reasonable.

See, it is stores that are poorly organized that I do not return to. If I walk in and all the shelves looked like they have been just tossed in a police raid then I don't even care to look for what I came in for. How hard is it to get your employes to keep things clean and straight on the shelves?

I've wondered in the past why places that sell dvds cds and games don't display they items with the spines showing like books on the shelves at bookstores. I mean I know cover art is important and all, but there have been many times I have going into a Best Buy or Gamestop and the shelves were in such bad shape that I

"The Year of Hell" 1 and 2 were probably my favorites episodes of Voyager. Kurtwood Smith played such a good villain. Pluse the timeship was one of my fav designs of the series.

Can they do pictures with the laser? I want the TARDIS with a little Doctor in a coyboy hat in one eye.

I suppose you could also punch out a GS manager and take the cash without using a gun. I don't know if armed means any weapon or just guns. All I know is there are several crimes that get extra time added if you use a gun.

In my life+ you can be my special effects man.

I was thinking the same, but it was armed robbery, so yeah 12 years.