
"Matthias Balke, Melissa Beithan, Paul Harrell and Terrell Tomey"

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Humans interfering with the natural order of things will only lead to the next, inevitable stage - Zombie Cranberries!

Can I make an infinite pool of water magnets with this set or do I have to wait for an update?

Man, what a great setting for a steampunk novel!

@splitlenz: I don't consume that much sugar but if you think it is a, what is it, insulin?, thing, this is something I have done all my life. And what doesn't supposedly dehydrate you?

This wouldn't work for me, if I was trying to eat less. I drink a lot of water and tea already. I just seem to be always thirsty. If I drink a glass or two before a meal, i will still drink a glass or two after.

No mention of the Kryptonian holo-vid of sup's mom and dad made just moments before sending him off in the rocket? For shame! I thought that was one of the better parts of the show.

I believe my boss is an idiot. I would complain, but he is the guy i would have to complain to so the point would be moot.

@DrForbidden: I mean when I am doing something else other than writing and my mind wanders. Like I work at a golf course and when I am in the cart on the range picking golf balls I tend to think about something other than what I am doing and that is usually something to do with one of my stories. It is just something

Reading the comments, most seem to agree with the study. This may just be me, but I am the opposite. Sure, sometimes I think unhappy thoughts when my mind goes off, but most of the time, because I am a writer, I tend to work on one of my story ideas which makes me happy.

@ViralG: But it had a nuclear reactor in it, so it did generate 1.21 Gigawatts. First movies had a nuclear reactor powered by plutonium, second and third had Mister Fusion.

@Vexxarr: It is probably something like a really big Jupiter and has not surface.

@Srynerson: It is very small and not very bright, being a brown dwarf. It is hard to get a precise measurement because of this.

@Wolfsheim: I just had an expression that was somewhere between a groan and a giggle. A gigoan? Groaggle?

How I would have done this episode is instead of Rush bypassing the system, have Young, in one of the simulations, figure out Rush knows where the bridge is and it be the key to defeating the alien attack. However, by that time he completes the simulation he is so far off the deep end that he just attacks Rush,

@Chuck: Hey, Serenity was a character in her own right. Especially in "Out of Gas"

@zoompooky: Games maybe interactive because of the controller, but in exposure of violence/gore/sex/whatever else we don't want kids to see, books and movies are far above the stack and it is not right that one form of expression should be held to higher standards than another.

@psychiccheese: "Tally ho, my fine saucy young TROLLOP!"