
@slevine001: Don't forget to exercise. Not meal plan will help unless you exercise in some way.

@pharmalist: I agree with much of it. But then I never did get that degree in nutrition. Just had to go for English.

@dowingba: Can't you just hold your fingers up like a gun?

@Kamenwati: Well, Star Trek has always been like that. Sure they fudge a lot of the science, but they at least are consistent with the world they have built around them. Same for DW.

I thought that said the volcanoes wiped out the Netherlands.

So we need superbugs to combat the supervillain bugs?

@Kamenwati: There is a difference. Star Wars is Science Fantasy which is why things need not be explained. We don't need all the detailed workings of a lightspeed drive or a lightsaber. They just have to work. They are not the focus of the story. You could take them out and the story would be intact.

I don't see why they don't pimp out some 3DSs for launch. We all know the 3DS is coming. Why not some cool designs instead of basic colors?

Sounds like KotOR except for X-Men. I approve.

@metallicfire: I must have missed that line. But that is kind of a crappy catchall.

I liked this ep better than the first. However, I have problems with Stephanie's powers. She was running in high heels, a business suit, and her hair flapping in the wind while staying perfect. Then she tripped and had only scrapes. Did her powers also make her near invulnerable and fashionably perfect?

@LastViking: Minecraft got my money. Makes me what to design my own game, but I have no programing experience.....

@comrade_leviathan: That makes more sense. That antimatter has to have something to react to.

@frostbyte.rcb: I don't know who originally said it but I had a short story teacher tell my class once that there are many guides and rules to writing, but feel free to break through them whenever you want.

Wait, we need that much fuel? I thought the beauty of antimatter was that it would give you massive amounts of power per each little bit of it meaning we would only need a relatively small amount of it in any ship we designed. Would a ship designed to travel at 92% speed of light really need that much antimatter?

@SilentGuy: I thought Atlus only localized and published EO in the West, as well as bringing over other games. Do they develop and bring games over? I have a bunch of DS games that have Atlus stamped on them and they seem so different.

@SilentGuy: I ment more of the art style and the frame. They aren't made by the same company are they?

Why does that screenshot remind me of Etrian Odyssey?

Next installment? Are they not rebooting? if they are not then i think it will be a big mistake.

@b33g33: The Moon shall rise again!