
@sgtmongoose: I also seem to screw up words and numbers sometimes like I am slightly dyslexic. I'm not sure if it is just me or because I read a report some time ago that said a study showed that is a sizable amount of lefties that are dyslexic, most numerous in those that were switched from lefty to righty in school

@mr.snrub: Parents just don't understand......

@Graham: If I understand things right, this bill is supposed to give the state the right to basically censer any game they deem to be obscene in a way that no other medium is judged.

@chadbeckwith: Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Mawage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam...

Hey now, wait just a second. I know very few left-handers and I must admit, I fell a little special for it. I don't want there to be a sudden spring of lefty-ness running around. For one thing I don't think the market can handle and another thing, being left-handed is not just how you grab a pencil.

How the hell am I supposed to choose between Farnsworth and Brown?!

Now playing

Maybe black strings are part of a cosmic guitar?

@lilmp89: Well, the flip-side to that is that the same thing has happened with console and PC games. You just remember the farmville stories because those games are popular and recent. I read a number of stories of stabbings and beatings, and neglect over Halo and WoW, too. I'm just saying there are extremes with all

@johnrhoward: Yes, the deadly deadly meters. If only the rest of the world measured in feet.

Things I didn't care for:

@BigKenW: Most used passwords:

@anaki: I think the biggest part of PC games longevity is that they are made to be modded. I'm sure there are more options in some areas as well. I really wish I could mute people on T:WfC on my PS3 for example, but I don't have any option but to turn my volume down.

@The_Sandman: I don't think it is that console people are less nerdy. My reason for liking consoles more than PC games is that there is less hassle with buying and playing games. You just put in a disk and you are ready to go. building gaming PCs and maintaining PC games may be easier now, I don't know. It is just

@senselocke: You dislike what the man says about FPSs, so you attack him personally and totally bypass what he says? Way to be a douche.

That wouldn't work on me. It is not the violent content that makes me curse like a sailor, but a good game that has glaring design flaws that keep it from being a great game.

Now playing

Well, I've never Metaluna I didn't like!

@Annalee Newitz: Ooooo, little cream-filled cupcakes are the best!