@Bootknife-Jackson: Oh, ok. It's just whenever I see him in WWII he has this shield.
@Bootknife-Jackson: Oh, ok. It's just whenever I see him in WWII he has this shield.
I thought Cap didn't get his round shield until he woke up in the present?
@dragonfliet: From what I've read and have seen on TV, France actually consumes less carbs than the US and has smaller portions in their meals. I don't know about Italy. France is also supposed to have much less heart disease, as well as most other countries that eat fewer carbs. I would find a link to show that but…
True wisdom is knowing you still have much to learn. /zen
Yes, yes, I see...now how do I turn it off? I could turn the other search drop box off, but I can't seem to find the option to X this one. It may be only me, but I am really annoyed and am really distracted by having something pop onto my screen while I type, even it it is something that is supposed to help. I'm…
@dragonfliet: While fast food is often high in calories, it is the carbs in the burger buns, fries and and soda that is the problem. I would like to point to you a couple of articles (one has a video!) on calorie counting and why carbs are bad.
@dragonfliet: It is not so much the calories or the fast food. You can have 1700 to 2300 a day, fast food is not as bad as it is made out to be (still not the healthiest) and you can still lose weight.
I am not a number!
@Arctic0ne: Promoted for chucle.
I must have that ending song! Man, I need a time machine so I can visit the 60s.
@Strangeite: Its not that I think they are stupid hippies or that their hearts are in the wrong place, I just think they are going about it the wrong way and will accomplish very little.
As long as it is not the Galactic Space-Whale Wars. God, I hate that show.
@Sir1agalot: It was 1989 I think? There was a manga as well. I think the anime serves as a prequel to the manga.
Ok, the lottery thing has always bugged me. Yeah, they take a lot of taxes but you are still millions of dollars richer than you were before. Only 5% go bankrupt? What is the big deal there? I bet the percent of people who go bankrupt from working just a regular job is way higher than that. Now really the the best…
With all these tanks running around do they need some kind of...police?
@Arken: Ahhhh! A metriod! Kill it with fire!
At first I read it as:
@tselliot: I know in Texas we have laws that say you can defend your property with deadly force if you feel you and yours are threatened, day or night, and that extends to your vehicles. I think they are called castle laws or something?
@Serge.: I don't think militias were a big thing in Britain's past.
@Al Swearengen: I'd be tempted to take a hammer to it and mail them the pieces with a note that read "Bill me." That is if I had the money to throw away.