
@hotcod: To be fair I believe that the privious Doctor also said that time can be rewritten except for fixed points in time. As long at the anchor points are there, the rest of time exists in a kind of fluid state that change and shift until they reach the next anchor point.

@hotcod: Well, we also saw the tenth Doctor show himself in front of Martha before she had met him in order to show her present self that time travel was possible.

@Ben Babcock: I see what you are getting at. Surely this is no the first time a TARDIS has been destroyed. So what makes this one TARDIS explosion so different?

@sirnicolai: Can you give it any more power?! The Klingons are here!

@grosser.meister.morti: I don't know how a particle accelerator works. My bachelor's was in English. I just play a physics professor on TV.

@grosser.meister.morti: I don't know about Star Wars, but I believe the phasers in Star Trek are some kind of particle beam. I don't know if particle beams exist or how they work, but if the beam itself is carrying particles maby that is why they show up?

@thefloodgod: Yeah, for the cost of such a project, you could just contract someone to clean up the garbage.

@elSpanielo: Steak, steak, steak, steak, steak!

"...and God said to his son 'Josh, you WILL get the band back together. I need another season...'"

It would have been cheaper just to buy 3 copies of the game from each place. Then give (or sell) your extra copies to your friends and play multiplayer.

@Kincar: I believe one skill compliments the other.

What about a guy that can swing a hammer? We can always use guys that can swing hammers.

Super Scope! Hells Yeah! I wish I still had mine so I could mod it.

a minite there I read that as "The Mutant Chronicles" and I thought we were going to have problems.

Oh my God! Some great lines come from these movies/TV shows.

@Johnny Gilbert: Exact same thing happened to me. I need to call Activision tomorrow.

@bookwench: I'm just being a realist here for the moment. I don't hate the concept and I applaud the people behind it as they are a least trying to make a difference.