
@Cyrian: It could be the pre-order character code is in the packaging so you would have to open it to use it and neither store will take it back afterward.

@marca_64: Either that, or everyone already has 4 DSs and can't justify another one (unless it can make those neet waffle fries, then I must have!).

Fedoras are making a comeback, I tells ya!

@NinjaTaco: I'm just going to leave this link here for you

@Evdor: Actually, I believe ghosts types are weak to ghost type moves as well.

@anduin1: Yeah, rentals are something I didn't think about. If more games come out with 5 dollar online codes, then those games will not be rent-able.

@Indigen: Saying every used game sold is a lost new game sale is an idiotic statement. You could call is a lost 'potential' sale, but there is no guarantee that that person would have bought the game new had there been no other option.

@Michael Dukakis: "So my choice is 'or death'? Well, I'll have the chicken then."

@kraft7: Its not often a single word can make me giggle.

@Amazing_Spiderham: I don't know about you, but I don't want a game that I can beat in the time it takes me to read a book. But that being aid, I don't want my games filled with busy work in order to stretch out the length either.

@HotChops: If you have seen some of the ALF videos, they mean for their actions spread terror. Not all of them may intend it to come off tat way but some are definitely sending a message that 'if you use animal for anything other than being animals we will come burn your place down.'

@HotChops: Its not that I hate advocacy groups, I hate PETA specifically. They kill most of the animals they 'rescue' every year and they gave money to a known arsonist for his legal defense.

My starter crapped out on me yesterday...

I have always, ans see myself always, playing games of some sort. When I was younger, it was soccer and SNES. Then I bought my PS1. I started playing MagicTG in high school. In college magic slipped and games went up for a while. Now, I play more magic and diskgolf as I am closer to my friends who play.

What, no DJ? I demand a robotic arm DJ!

@pressstart: Actually, I think only Dark attacks are super effective against unicorns. Maybe Ghost attacks too, but I don't have my pokedex in front of me.

You know, if the game was bout clubbing unicorns, i bet PETA wouldn't say anything about it. Not that PETA cares about REAL animals or anything.

I didn't mind when we had a graphics shift from the SNES to the PS1, but I do miss the 2D experience of older games. That is why I bought a DS. It gave me the classic, nostalgic feel of the past while giving me new games to add to my collection.

@timmie89: I did play the original but it has been a few years and I could not be buggered to look up the actual quote.

@subura: We need more vespian gas.