
@mike_311: That would never work for me. I actually find uses for my clutter. I may not touch something for a few years but more often then not I will find something for it to do eventually.

@Ryodestined: Well, Nintendo does also seem to be a company that changes little vertically, but expands horizontally. What I mean is they don't make too many new things they make the best of what they have better. Look at the gameboy. Each system was basically the same but they made it smaller, gave it color, added

@Ryodestined: The reason why the games have always been sold in pairs is to encourage people to get together and play, trade, whatever. I traded with my friends back when I was in school. I'm sure a lot of people play together in Japan as multiplayer games do well over there, I believe.

@Frank: The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few...

I would say there are a few crap games that slip through, but less than there used to be. I think it is because games are such an interactive experience gamers do the research to avoid the crap. Which is why crap movies still sell well as they are very passive and people don't care as much.

@Shinhideaki: Oh, come on! When that dick Cobra Kai Kid (see what I did there?) got the bonsai tree that was on the cliff and he broke it in two...I cried a little.....*sniff*........

@Shinhideaki: Picking up harmless things from games and tv is ok. The Karate Kid made me want to pick up a bonsai tree.

@BassForever: No, it is a terrible game (as in a bad game, regardless of subject matter). There is almost nothing to it and the graphics are bad. The subject of it is what has everyone riled up.

@arionfrost: Your commenting on a video games site so I assume you play video games. That being I have some questions for you.

@Ash Chetri: Yeah, because you want to be waving around your DS.

I do notice that when I am putting things off, it is several things, not just one. But when I have the momentum mojo flowing I cross several things off the list by the end of the day. I may spend 3 days or more doing pretty much nothing and then empty the list in one day. Now if I could just find a way to just do one

@Kinburn: The story is a lie!

@yourcitylovesyou: I don't know about art, but literature can be done in games. You have the old school dungeon crawlers that were basically text where you are given commands at certain points. You have 3d games like Dante's Inferno that are based on classic literature. Ok, in this case it probably strays quite a bit

@BelmontHeir: Finally, a Spidey game worth buying!

@jeffimix: I don't know. I buy from Half Price Books every now and then. I could get a library card but I don't know what they have. Maybe I will look into it. Usually what happens is I am out somewhere right next to a HPB and I stop in and buy a book or two.

Well, I do have 300 of these cardboard and paper things that open up with the words inside. I suppose I could just have the one...

@Azel: Don't take the American media to be an actual representation of American citizens. We don't like the news casters either. Except for the Republicans and FOX news, and them be crazy peoples. How else does Glen Beck have a job if the people are not out of their gourde?