
I don't know, I really try not to sell games because it is usually a real rip-off but even if I did sell more often, I would still rather sell it to a person. Unless the box was giving like $30 a game then yeah I would sell to it.

@natanku: What the "research" is refering to is every year they hunt whales around the preserve in Antarctica. I don't know if they are using the whales for research and then making products out of them but I do know they hunt under international law and they are only allowed to hunt a certain number each year as to

@Slagathorian: Ok, lets say Sony ships a ps3 without a hard drive and it knocks off $100 from the price. If games still require a hd to play and save then the end user will have to buy it themselves. While some people will be thrilled to buy their own hd to get a bigger one other people will say "you mean I have to

@mfaulken: I'm not sure you could do that. I recently bought a ps3 and only have a few games but I think every one of them installs data on the hard drive to play and save. Do they even make ps3 memory cards?

Link's not working.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2

@RawSteelUT: I don't think Japan is a repressed as you think. Have you seen pics from that penis festival they have? And I don't think rape fantasy is a good indicator of twisted porn since rape has been around probably before civilization. Scat porn on the other hand is legal everywhere as far as I know.

@Cyllus: Not every game crosses over to pc, but many of the best ones do. I have never crossed over to serious pc gaming because of cost issues. I can buy a console for a one time cost that will last me 6 or more years. Or I can buy a gaming pc (which is higher than a regular desktop by a few hundred dollars, last I

@Furysetzer: "Ladies and gentalmen, I give you, The Moogles!"

What about The Another World, that game being made with Studio Ghibli? Does it come out next year?

I saw a documentary that explains why simply cutting calories doesn't always work. It is very interesting ans I suggest everyone should see it.

@winwinwe: I like how Joystiq does their comments, even though the site is not as good as it use to be. They have a commenter vote up/vote down system. Everyone can see everyone's posts but if someone posts something hateful or inappropriate, commenters can vote it down to where the text goes gray and isn't seen. If

I saw this. The only cool part was when Joshua was found and woken up. I cheered a little. #wargames2

@Thut: I hear that. I do think games can be done in an artful manner but making a gimmick that is destructive is to me a little irresponsible. My concer is that someone will take his code and put it into a game of there own and not tell anyone about it. Then hundreds of comps could have their files deleted because

@Bialia: Depends on the job. Tattoo artists call it "advertising". #demontits

@Rena Lanford: Cell phone games are bad examples because they are done on the cheap. The market there is really wishy-washy. But the technology has great potential.

@deanbmmv: That is going to a bit of an extream but I know guys and girls with face or neck tats and they do alright. Good people. #demontits

@Yowza57: What are you talking about? They're the ones that always get laid. #demontits