He's a 24th century man!
He's a 24th century man!
They're delicious!
Yes! Picked green beans are the superior caesar garnish.
Skip it! The best garnish is hot pickled green beans
Too... early?
Can we do a study to determine whether homophobia is genetic?
Thanks for doing the extra legwork to grab the cartoon! I was on transit and didn't have time :)
you’re the second person to suggest harper wilde - looks great
These look great!
OMG their bodysuits are also adorbs
We have a couple but I don’t love the selection at either place. I’m a pretty common size so its not usually a struggle to find something online that fits :)
“I’m not racist but...”
“Quit Being Obtuse” is becoming quite a catch phrase for me these days as well.
I find it pretty true to size, but am on the smaller side.
I’m a lawyer and THIS.
Once again, Canada FTW... more formal than Britain, less rigid than the US, just sitting up here like nice polite people waiting to get rolled over when half of America is flooded/burned from climate disasters...
Ladies! What is your favourite small/local lingerie brand and what do you like about them? I need a new t-shirt bra.
I once went out with this amazing guy... about two dates in he just pauses and looks at me and goes (with a big smile), “is it okay that I’m nowhere near as smart as you?”