Ummm, do you call them rutabaga? Its like a turnip.
Ummm, do you call them rutabaga? Its like a turnip.
Legit had an almost-schism in the group over whether blood pudding was delicious or not (I vote yes, but only with baked beans)
That’s why you render out all that delicious fat for the roasted potatoes... we buy goose fat in a jar for the potatoes.
So... my mother makes the best sausage rolls. No, I’m not doing the “my mother” game, she legit does. And even typing “Pigs in Blankets” feels sacrilegious to me. Because its a roll of sausage meat in puff pastry from my mother’s oven or nothing.
I’m Canadian! But the family is mostly British. We historically celebrated Thanksgiving as well, but since everyone “adulted” away from home there’s only one annual turkey meal left, and its the ultimate one ;)
They make excellent mash
We used to do the flaming pudding when I was younger! Christmas is less of a production these days...
So many of our standard recipes are Delia or Delia-adjacent... even across the pond ;)
This is a Bad Take.
THIS. The tips are breaking because their garbage chocolate has somehow been made even worse.
I’m so scared that we’re going to get our Trump because people are too polite to question someone about being a sociopath
I can’t do reverse tabletop... wonky shoulders. The idea of giving a BJ in reverse table is truly inspiring!
Yeah, this woman is... a poor human being, in addition to a crummy writer. But the Star is... a poor periodical, in addition to being crummily written.
I am... Almost all the way with you. I don’t cook meat, and keep a clean home, so I figure my space is pretty much safe: I’ll eat that floor food if it looks tasty. A bit more concerned re food that’s been out, but overnight is really no problem.
When you're working off the economy class menu this is the only option. I'd also accept wine depending on the time of day.
Their point is very few airlines even serve food to most passengers unless you’re on an international flight longer than 6 hours, so the whole “airline food is bad” gag has fallen by the wayside.
One of the better things I've seen this week, tbh
This has prepared you well for a prominent role in the coming Gender Wars. To the ramparts Sisters!
Classic. As is your username.
Holographic Tupac and Zombie Reagan