
I am a marine biologist and I know for a fact this is 100% accurate.

1. Yes, they do.

All sex is goop sex if you do it right.

Because when I was pregnant with my first NO ONE - not friends, family, childbirth educator, nor L&D nurses - would tell me this, I want to tell any pregnant ladies out there this:

When it’s time to push, push like you’re trying to get out the biggest poop in the universe.

I have to figure out how to work “crotch crickets” into everyday conversation.

I am already DEAD from watching this.

She was in-cred-i-ble.

Tom! Call me!

You’d have to look really long and hard (and thick, I guess?) to notice what he did, based on where he’s standing.

My husband travels A LOT for work and is constantly getting free booze from JetBlue male flight attendants. He is bear-ish. I think there’s a JetBlue fetish.

He didn’t even wipe!

I love it when famous people “work closely” with jewelers to design engagement rings ....... that look exactly like thousands of other engagement rings.

The Donald’s Rebuttal: You’re just mad cuz she’s pretty.


I know; I did think of that. But I believe it would have been very powerful to see someone stand up (metaphorically) and say nope.

Am I the only person who thinks this entire situation is ridiculous? I can’t be .............. wait...can I???

He probably came right from work. So what? We gonna criticize him next for not throwing his hands in the air the right way (whatever that is)?

I don’t think it is striking at all that the men had difficulty reading the blatantly awful tweets. What would be striking is if even just one of them said, “I’m not doing this. Five seconds of internet fame among my friends and family isn’t worth reading this.” Actually taking a stand, albiet in a very small way,