
I don't trust anyone who'd break up with Lyle Lovett. True story.

Agree, big-time. He can get it.


ANTM did it first! Basically.

My breasts look like Groucho Marx.

I assume your comment is tongue-in-cheek.

Sucks that Ms. Vinci feels the need to apologize for being on the top of her game.

Holy shit, if you add in some booze, that would be my favorite meal of all time!! I heart you, too!

Same reason I do: morbid curiosity.

Seriously — this was the first movie I saw in a theater and it no-shit kick-started and informed my feminism.

Or both!

I understand.

Holy shit, he's Ed Grimley.

I can't even sit with my knees pressed together and ankles crossed for more than 10 minutes or so. (True story. I try pretty regularly.)

Did you notice the 3 heroines of my childhood are wearing red, white, and blue in that emancipation-from-the-shittery-of-our-workplace scene? They are living the American dream, baby!

Important: How does he know what the semen of different races smells like, huh? HUH?

Also: I can totally fap to this book.


Related: Allison Janney is 6 feet tall. We are currently watching The West Wing on Netflix. She’s by far the tallest person on the show. I wonder if the casting director did that intentionally.

ETA: She's awesome in everything she's in amirite.

While we are not fans of his movies, my son and I agree that The Rock would be a really nice friend and we like him.