Jane Andress

She is just a doll. I wish she steered clear of the unadulterated patriarchal filth that is GoT, she is a child so I guess I could cut her some slack. Anyone sick of this blatant misogyny espoused by this show it depicts women as broodmaids, sexmules and whores?

Exactly its bad enough that men think of us as meat but if we legalized prostitution they would have no reason to treat us as people.

Another thinly veiled display of what the government truly thinks of us as women. Is anyone surprised that the libertarians want to legalize prostitution? They are as bad as the republicans thinking of us as purely proponents to gratify their sexual needs.

I think you may be misinterpreting my assertion.

In ICO the female is in a cage when the male first encounters her—so yes, this falls into the, "Damsel in distress," trope. However, immediately after that cage is opened (and the male makes a maladroit fool of himself in effecting that opening), the game changes

Oh I should pity white males who hold all the power and subjugate us like we are their property?

I have been saying this for ages but geeks and atheists are among the most misogynist communities out there. Other than maybe fundamentalist Muslims.

An entitled old white man's logic, if she wasn't asking for it why was she unconscious?

Women face more discrimination than any other group you must be an MRA troll transmen are barely discriminated against when compared to the plight of women.

This show is blatantly misogynist and morally degrading to women I guess you would have no qualms about this being someone from the Sweden; the country that has the highest rape rapes in the industrial world bravo.

Yes there is good lesbian porn that is not sexist or misogynist but all other forms of porn are hence why they should be banned. The egregious patriarchal dogma is abundantly clear in every scene.

If a male does a sexual act without your permission it is rape plain and simple no ifs ands or buts they should receive at minimum a 15 year sentence.

"read this interview with Lena Dunham..."

Why is Ken Jennings so funny??