I am sorry. I was making a joke about how these James Woods types feel about women, and why they keep pursuing teenagers, both illegal and barely illegal ones.
I am sorry. I was making a joke about how these James Woods types feel about women, and why they keep pursuing teenagers, both illegal and barely illegal ones.
You are not wrong.
Or... every wave until 5th is transphobic, white feminists. Though I suppose the 4th remembered that lesbian (white) women are a thing!
Yes, you are absolutely right. But I think the same type of ideas they had were picked up by Fourth Wave authors later - concern with queer issues, backlash against trying to please the patriarchy, and so on.
Sounds legit.
Don’t worry, you don’t sound mansplainy at all. In the end, I think there is good, progressive work done by all feminist waves and authors, in spite of a few ideas by a few authors (or all ideas by some authors, like Andrea Dworkin and Camille Paglia) being criticized, especially by the authors of the “next wave”.
I mostly mean from a perspective of authors who wrote against it, but also things like the protest against Penthouse magazine and the famous meatgrinder photo, which helped cement the anti-porn image in people’s minds.
Must be nice to have a whole house designed for sex parties, while poors have to settle for just having the one sex party room!
Well, my kids’ school has some explaining to do about last Easter!
They did a lot of good work, but I am coming at it from a critical perspective. Just like a lot of third wavers did good work, but sadly it turned partly into choice feminism.
Tonya is the ultimate deplorable, so that makes sense.
Athletes, in general, don’t have deep insight into anything other than their sport. I know as a culture we like to idolize them and turn them into motivational speakers when they retire but... no.
It depends - on the one hand, you have people like Kathleen Hanna. On the other, at the same time, you have Spice Girls Girl Power I choose my choice! feminism. You have Naomi Wolf talking about how the beauty industry sets us back from pursuing career goals, but you also have Camille Paglia talking about beauty and…
And most of all, trans women. I feel like queer and black women were even considered by the 4th wave, but they most definitely didn’t remember to include trans women.
Oh yeah, none of those are monolithic. Also, some things like Riot Grrrl coexist in time with choice feminism and present opposing points of view.
And choices are not made in a vacuum. Choices that match what the patriarchy wants tend to provide benefits, so duh, of course we tend to choose those.
Girls Gone Wild, ladette culture, the rise of Cool Girls... there is a lot of ‘splaining to do.
True, but some of the authors were against porn and objectification and all that, and the third wavers seemed to criticize them and swing in the other extreme... In defense of third wavers, not all of them were “I choose my choice” either.
I think it is a sign of problems that we even know of her rehoming... cause let’s be honest, it is not like paparazzi hound her. It is unnecessary for her to even tell us of the adoption, or the rehoming. The choice to do so makes me question her mental state.
They also seem to have a bootstraps mentality of “Well, if I could make it in a man’s world, why are you complaining?”.