
Yawn. Stop trying to make outrage happen. Its not going to happen.

Shrug, you don't want a conversation. That's fine.

You keep breaking into cars and emotionally scarring toddlers for no reason, dude.

gives you an opportunity to walk back from your radical view point and not be considered a loon.

They don't. But I won't be worried about leaving them in my car once they do exist, what with technology which allows you to leave the car running without the keys, while the doors are locked.

But, pray tell how what I said is hilarious? Beseeching you to use any shred of common sense before breaking into and

yeah I want to pick one up, if only to stop my dog from trying to come up to the front seat when me and girlfriend are driving. Getting too big to be a lap dog.

No, jesus - what the fuck is your problem? Have you ever had a child, or even a dog? They're part of your life, you spend a great deal of time ferrying them to and from places - it's INEVITABLE that you're going to need to run errands while driving them around. You can't speak in black and white about this, it's just

ding ding ding. Its all contextual. That's what I'm arguing, you're arguing against my argument that "never is not the right response". So you've aligned yourself on an extreme fringe, so you made it so its impossible for you to win from the get go.

long as youre willing to accept the consequences. Id be pretty pissed off if anyone ever broke into my car to attempt to "save" my child because they spend too much time on Jezebel and take viral Facebook memes too seriously. Endangers them, traumatizes them, 10/10 would take to court.

Yes, there is conceivably a time to leave even an infant in a car with the doors locked and windows up.

sure, you can go with - "never" "in texas" "and a heat index >= ~90?"

But, I worry about people taking your impassioned rhetoric and applying it indiscriminately. Kids and dogs need to be left in cars sometimes. If it's a cool day, or even if it's hot and it's a short visit - it's not risking the child or dogs life.

No, you can't. Call the cops or animal control, do NOT break a window or open a car door if the dog isn't in distress. You're more likely to spook the dog and have it run into traffic than do anything positive.

Yawn. Can't wait til this "ohmahgerd that's OFFENSIVE" fad dies down. Soon you'll realize your feelings don't matter to the greater population, and all this name controversy has done is create a social divide within Native American communities and also between them and American society. Hasn't helped jack shit.

stupid kinja triple post.

huh, cool. Not normally my style of reading, but seem like some quick reads. Will take a gander.

In other news; US Patent and Trademark office just cancelled the redskins trademark. So this battle just turned legal. Hold onto your hat.

Yeah, fair enough.

I don't put too much weight on the history of the word; the creation of the team, or the etymology of the name. It's hard to have a clear answer and timeline, and I'd rather live and deal with the present incarnation of the word rather than make decisions today for what was the case a century ago. Though everything

Shrug, just getting my thoughts on it down on paper and looking for feed back. Isn't the time or place to try to convince anyone.

I don't think the redskins should change their team name. I acknowledge that the word can be considered a slur, and is used in a derogatory fashion by certain people in American society. That isn't the end of the conversation, it is also a more nuanced debate than that. The Native Americans are not like any other

Hohum. long day. I think you nailed my frustrations with John Oliver and John Stewart in that their skits seem very much like a personal attack on actual Americans that are good people who hold their beliefs for whatever range of possibly unacceptable but understandable reasons. Colbert does seem to do it so much

yeah I hate Snyder as a person, but don't think the name should be changed. Just like I hate Donald Sterling as a person, but am uncomfortable with the sequence of events that happened to him.