
Erhmahgerd, stop making my arguments for me, and way better than I'd make them. Haven't even left work. Did I win the debate?? I just got a little light headed. think I have a crush on your thought process. Gotta go lie down.

feel like I didn't respond to this well, because there's a lot of good points I haven't heard nor addressed. So going to go home after work and think it through, phone annoying to type on.

Yeah, I really am going to miss Colbert.

I understand that John Olivers playing to his audience. Being part of the demographic that makes up most of his audience, I don't like that we feeds off snark (cough) and that he caters to it. It's just another snowball, and it's early enough that we could change directions if

Yeah, no idea. My friends say I'm just a contrarian, maybe they're right. But I don't appreciate you trying to boot me from the club because I don't fit your version of liberal. I believe in big government, I believe in equality for all, and have voted democrat in 100% of the local and national elections since turning

Hello again Kluwestopher, enjoying E3?

Sometimes the other side is just wrong. True. But there are better ways to fix a problem than being divisive and antagonizing them. It just makes them circle the wagons and return to their echo chamber.

So you can be a preachy dickwad all you want, that's cool. I care more about

I'm all for talking about them - but when Oliver talks about them he completely trashes the other side of the debate as stupid, and presents their opinions as being baseless and uneducated.

To be fair, I've only seem the death penalty and climate change episodes, and now only this clip. I've just gotten the perception

Didn't say young liberals are the only ones with the problem, just that it IS a problem for us as well - and as I'm a young liberal I don't like it and care enough to voice my opinion decrying it.

i don't like Olivers style of comedy. Political comedians are necessary and important, but the few episodes I watched are just him standing on a soap box and belittiling and making fun of anyone that doesn't share his opinion. That's not a good way to have a discussion or debate, and group think is already a problem

Meh, we'll see. If Shelly can win the current legal case and can prove that he's mentally incompetent, I think we're all square. The NBA won't need to justify anything, society won't have to deal with the precedent they were going to set.

If she can't, then the NBA needs to go to court and address the concerns I

Thought this played during the Superbowl. Shrug. What a divisive controversy.

There are a lot of bad arguments on both sides. I think it's a fair statement that both the Native and non-native american population are divided as to whether or not it should be considered 'offensive'.

If that's the best we can do right now, after the fact recourse at the leaker, we need to make the system better. The second part of what I said is that I thought we needed to prevent the legal/administrative punishments (firing, forcing out, taking shares, selling NBA teams) based off these recordings. I'm not sure

I do think there need to be mechanisms in place preventing people from leaking and publishing illegally obtained recordings to the public, and since that will take decades to implement and perfect we need to prevent the firing of employees and the forcing of business owners out of their company based of illegal

and sadly I'm not surprised people like you exist. The irrational vocal minority of my party, the liberal tea party.

good. NBA got off a little too easily for stomping on the idea of a persons right to privacy. Shelly almost bailed them out, but imo let it go to a lawsuit and an owners vote and set the precedent for all to abide by if that's the path they really want to go down.

Edit: looks like I responded to myself last night. So copy pasta, needed to organize my thoughts on this matter so revisited it after the bars. I hate this platform, reddit better.

and ps - I get they're your a history guy, but how do you not acknowledge that year 2014 on planet Earth is unlike ever civilization that has existed here before. Everything before this has been building to this point. That includes human evolution and the desensitization of peoples to their bigotry. It's a process.

I reread our conversation, thought maybe I had misinterpreted some points being rushed so hadn't said my point well. But I don't think you read my points either. I never said you sounded like you want a big brother government. But I did say there's such a thing as a big brother society, and that's a more poignant

You're having trouble separating the two issues at hand, and perhaps it's my fault for not explaining my thoughts as clearly as I should. I'll admit reading back my comments are more dramatic than substantial, spanning multiple days and different levels of sobriety. I'm too lazy to find someone else to stand on my

Why do you keep bringing up the government and freedom of speech? I said a big brother 'society' - meaning society is the one watching and punishing you for not conforming.

Well, morality aside, I'm going to make damn sure that it was a poor business decision. Anytime I hear the name turtle rock I'm going to being up this debate, and unless you're completely spineless you'll disagree with what turtle rock did.