
Forza Horizon was awesome, and feels somewhat underrated. This is great news.

I agree. I had a ton of fun with Ryse. It reminded me of old-school hack-and-slash games that I grew up on. Didn't min the combat a bit although I do admit they could have expanded it a bit. Also would hurt to have given us a few more enemy character models. But in terms of pure fun, Ryse was a blast.

I think you're forgetting that this is the internet. :P

Holy carp, that's amazing.

Well, at least my first mistake wasn't not belonging to the glorious PC Master Race. That would have been embarrassing.

A solution from Oatmeal:

I have been waiting so long for this and man does it live up.

What Zelda would look like if Nintendo published it on PS4 and X1......Nintendo fanboys coming at me in 3..2..1...

if this is true I would buy this game twice. Not sure why but I would.

Get out of here with your common sense and reason!

When the next round of consoles rolls out and they are all-digital, people are gonna flip their shit because they "aren't ready" for it. But they'll look back at Microsoft trying to ease them into and realize bitching like they did was foolish because digital WAS IN FACT, the future. And here's more proof.

First entry ever!

Hi, there! I am José Mellinas. Thank you, Kotaku, for posting this.

Not sure where you have been. But this has ALWAYS been a timed exclusive and was never mentioned by Capy or Microsoft to be anything else.

Why isn't this the real story? The textures look awful and there's quite a bit of screen tearing in the 360 version (understandably), but no one is saying anything about that? Because all the fanboys are jumping on the train that the xbone just looks marginally better, when in fact the textures look WAY better.

I don't have an iPhone but now I need one...

mannn I wanna hang out with that little bench, maybe catch a movie

You appeased my love for FF and zoo lander.

Completely agree and was going to say the same thing. Spencer seems to really love the brand and wants to make it the best possible system they can.