
Yes, the media is extremely biased towards Xbox and Microsoft. BUT Xbox one is coming through and will eventually destroy everything in its path. All Microsoft need to do is buy AMD and then they’ve won.

How is Type 0 working for you, cause I honestly want to shoot myself in the dick for purchasing it. Not because it’s a bad game, but because I can’t get into and my backlog is something to cry about

Now playing

Same thing with Sony. No article? Why? Oh I know why. Just more agenda driven articles.

Except the Xbox One is selling really well. I know the media like stories about conflict, so they tend to report more on the fact that it is losing to PS4 (except for in November and possibly December), but the truth is that it's doing really well. Microsoft is making tons of money of Xbox One. There's no reason

I totally agree with you man it is just fanboys war nonsense. I think kotaku or any gaming website or journalist has to stay away from that nonsense.

For quite some time now, Xbox has been the leading choice on shoryuken.com. I guess because not everyone is being able to afford an arcade stick, and PS3 pads totally suck for specials.

Yea that was pretty bad. Check that, really bad. Check that, that was so bad, I'm going to play with my 3DS for a little bit in protest.

The Wii U version is missing the Retaliation and Reckoning multiplayer packs. The absence of Retaliation especially hurts, because that was the one that added the Collectors to the mix. The Wii U version isn't missing any of the maps (because Retaliation and Reckoning didn't add any maps), but it is missing the hazard

if this was Xbox, the fanboys would be swarming. Double standards off the port bow!

That's definitely not where it belongs, in fact...it's a far cry.

This is the best thing since sliced bread.

Remember when MS was called about for their focus on TV? Oh the hypocrisy. Funny, that its now Sony and MS is all about the awesome games.

This is totally not Bias on Kotaku, seeing as how "Gamergate" was created almost solely against you guys. Maybe... just maybe, you should stay out of it.

Just like you can't be a Christian without supporting pedophilia, or Muslim without supporting terrorism.

This. I can't tell you the number of tech sites I've seen lately that blatantly have article headlines that are clearly clickbait one way or the other. It is as if the editors of every site recently said "fuck it" and let all their writers make the flames as big as possible.

yup!! seriously, more people to join the world of console gaming!

Well I dont exactly see Sony or Nintendo in a rush to try and get Playstation/Nintendo exclusives on PC either. You can't go around claiming 'PC MASTER RACE, FILTHY CONSOLE PEASANTS', then turn right back around and claim 'PC GAMERS ARE SECOND CLASS CITIZENS'. That shit dont fly little piggy.

You honestly come across as either an idiotic fanboy (likely), or a just complete idiot.