
It's a lot of fun and I totaly recommend it

Notice how these leakers & Neogaf people only leak Xbox related info.

If it's just an hour long thing about Deus Ex il be happy

I spent £250 on a watch that’s just a watch. Way to many complain about this apple watch.

Good to see someone else on here that also see’s what's going on

When Sony used Batman Arkham Knight pc footage at E3 where was this kind of article Jason?

Have you read what you’ve wrote?

I’m not it’s just sad to see people think that it was framerate gate when it wasn’t.

Eh? All I said is I just play games.

You keep a tally...

You do know it was just the resolution thing, not frame rate.

I said he/she was hilarious.

Well if it’s 60 it will be 60 on both.

The game probably won't be 60fps.

Releasing optional instruments is not the same as pumping out yearly releases

You didn’t actually read what I wrote.

As much as I like what Rockband are doing (releasing the 1 game and support with DLC)

So how does this even work?

It’s almost like the ps2 gen, where Sony pays for exclusivity for a lot of 3rd party games.

Why would it be terrible? Halo 3 engine is fine.