Itz James

Yea I plan on this being the game I play for awhile, but I never really bought the maps for any of the games. I heard that some DLC will be new guns? is this true you think? if it's just new maps and game modes than I really don't care too much for it. I know I won't have any interest in using the elite site.

Is the hardened addition worth the extra money? Just want some opinions please.

I think this OS's UI is beyond horrible. I like when they changed the UI in gingerbread, but the color scheme in ice cream is definitely a step back in my opinion. I'm sure a lot of people like it, but I just don't. The Draw launcher reminds me of blackberry though haha!

Same here! I think I might just do that now.

I cancelled my pre-order, but not any reason because the beta was anything bad. I decided I'm going to wait a bit to purchase the game. The beta was actually pretty good.

Is siri going to take a lot of data? I plan on switching over to at&t and get the 2gb of data. I hope that is enough. I'm usually on wifi a lot with my nexus one. Also, I still want to know how the battery life is.

I enjoy using iTunes too. It's the only player I use for my music and I think it organizes it well.

I honestly didn't like the look of that UI at all. I hope that isn't it, because if it is I am going to be switching to WP7 or iOS.

People just have there own preferences. I owned an iPhone and I have a nexus one now since it came out. I love that android is very customizable and everything, but I think I like the simple look of iOS. Each is own, I know I won't ever knock anything just because it's not what I like.

There just going to have charging stations at all cash registers now.

Really? Where did you end up getting yours? or just custom built it all together? I'd imagine bf3 need higher specs no? I want to get a PC and game, but I got around 700 to spend.

I don't know what type of computer you're building for 500 dollars, but it definitely isn't a gaming computer. Especially if you want one that will run the game well and stay up to date with the games for next gen. Try over 900.

I have a google+ account and honestly I haven't even touched it since the one day that I signed up for it and looked at it. I totally even forgot about it until I saw this post. Only about two of my friends use it and honestly I have no desire switching to a new social network yet. It was a pain when I switched from

She has to take a shower somewhere! can't a girl get her privacy? That darn google. On another note, what a nice dog they have.

I would laugh so hard if sprint in the end tries to buy up T-Mobile after this merger doesn't go through. I highly doubt that would happen, but it would be pretty funny.

Wouldn't the merge help competitive in a way? thinking about it having 4 carriers in the US you have 2 High end and 2 low end giving people options(options are always a good thing of course!). Wouldn't getting rid of one of the lower ones example being T-mobile give a price war? People that want lower prices will go

I'm really hoping that halo 4 will be good. I loved halo CE and Halo 2. Halo 3 wasn't that bad, but reach was horrible! The story mode wasn't that bad, but adding all that armor and flare and what not. Come on, really? I think 343 Will do a great job though.

I got reach at launch and I honestly was disappointed. The single player was fantastic I will admit that and it wasn't the fact that I hated the game, what drove me away was the bloom, the armor abilities and no BR. Now I could live without the BR, but the Bloom I think is the dumbest idea to add to the game. Maybe

Wow, I stopped buying at gamestop all together. I take my business to a local store called Play N Trade. They give better deals anyway. I am never taking my business to gamestop again.

There really is no reason to have to buy something like this. Toothpaste isn't that expensive and what I do to get the most out of what I have, I just roll the toothpaste bottom up when I draw near to finishing the tube. After that I just buy a new one. Don't become that cheap people, ghee...