Paper mario for the 3ds is the biggest reason I am going to be getting a 3ds. I loved the first two and I can't wait for the new one to come out. I just hope it's as enjoyable as the others.
Paper mario for the 3ds is the biggest reason I am going to be getting a 3ds. I loved the first two and I can't wait for the new one to come out. I just hope it's as enjoyable as the others.
I also discovered this as I was about to leave this morning for work. I had it load the video so when I got home it was the first thing I do.
Sony 360
I can't wait to see the HP movie, but I will definitely be seeing it in 2-D. I don't really get the point of watching it in 3-D, I mean wearing those awful glasses are annoying and it takes awhile for my eyes to adjust. I would rather enjoy a movie I watch and I don't need that extra "special" effect of 3-D.
Even though the lady looks crazy herself, If I was a parent and had a young teen as a child I would throw a fit myself. I wouldn't want some 40 year old man groping on my young teen. They make the biggest stink on sexting and sex with minors and everything but then go and let the TSA get all touchy on children.…
Zenonia 3 is free on Android
I for one am excited for MW3. Battlefield didn't look that interesting to me, but I will definitely give it a shot. People need to chill out seriously. If you don't like the game then why come to the article about the game to just give a negative comment. Yea you have the rights to share your judgement but seriously.…
If I had money to blow on things, this definitely wouldn't be one of them. I just would rather not play pool in a pool. Thanks anyway though.
That kid to the left looks pretty happy and we all know the kid to the right is because he's the one winning. So all in all everyone looks happy!
Bioshock infinite is what I first thought of after reading this haha. Charles attent!
I really hope they end up announcing a new iPhone. I would definitely prefer if it came to T-mobile, but I know the likely of that happening is very slim.
Thanks for the reply! I think I will end up trying it out. $8.00 dollars is a good price.
I love my netflix subscription and I always find a lot of old stuff that I have never seen. I don't up to date movies or shows all the time. Anyone try hulu plus though? I was interesting in looking into that too.
I love my windows computers and I used a mac in a couple of best buy stores, but I never seem interested in owning one. The only thing I really like that stands out with a mac is garageband. I messed around with it in the apple store and can't seem to find any programs that I like that are on windows.
Amazon app store has been having some really good free of the day apps lately. Yesterday being Plants vs Zombies and now today Pac-Man. I am definitely loving this.
The male to woman ratio looked way too high. No thanks. I'll stick to playing in clothes at my own home.
I wish this could of been the game I got to play when I was young. I did play Oregon trail though and I loved it. I like the text pack that they are using. I wonder what one it is? anyone know?
So if you have 2.3.4 you are in the clear?
Sorry ended up making a second comment right after the other.
I wouldn't bother installing apps that end up using this. Any developers that uses this must be on something.