Itz James

Honestly I don't see the biggest problem to this. I once had at&t and I personally never had a problem with service. I moved over to T-mobile with my Fiancee when me and her decided to get a contract together. I think T-mobile service in my area isn't the greatest and I think the merge with at&t would be good for

They shouldn't be walking out because of the partnership with Microsoft. They need to be walking out because they obviously failed Nokia by making such a horrible OS.

I wish the iPhone would come to T-mobile, but kinda don't really care much. I am liking the windows phone 7 and want to see some new devices come out for T-mobile soon. My contract is ending in a couple months.

@xhedgehogx: I don't personally care about porn either. The free stuff now and then is fine, B\but as for the people who actually go out and pay for it. Shame.

I'm glad I bought the Nexus One when it came out, only to be upped by a brand new one not even a year later. Makes me feel like I wasted money.

I just have to say that it's a game and who cares? Play it if you like it and if you don't then don't play it. I don't see the point in these posts? I come here to be informed on games, not on if it's real or not. I don't see who would really care honestly.

I just want the game haha. Save me money

I would be happy with a re-make of halo 2 for the xbox 360. I believe that was the best halo game in the series and I think if they made a re-make it would be pretty successful.

@CrispyAardvark: That's pretty awesome. I'm sure the view up there is really nice.

Where the heck is the bedroom? It doesn't look like you would get much privacy neither.

The shirt is nice, but I will wait till you make a better one to get to represent Gizmodo. Thank you anyway.

@cinnamonster: Yea I meant 3g band support for T-Mobile

@cinnamonster yea i meant for the 3g band support for T-mobile.

I wish T-Mobile would get the iPhone. Though I love my android phone.

@azaraith Thank you kindly!

After watching some video's on youtube and this review, medal of honor doesn't appeal to me. Don't get me wrong, I use to love the medal of honor series. I think they just didn't do as good as they could of did with this game. I will be saving my money for black ops.

I honestly don't see a problem with the bag noise. I bought a bag and I didn't think it was a big deal. I poured some in a bowl and ate. As for going out and eating them, people seriously need to quite always finding something to complain about. Just eat the dang chips and stop worrying so much over a bag. Ghee.

I wish T-mobile had better phones to chose from. I currently have the Nexus one. The Samsung Vibrant doesn't appeal to me. The G2 looks nice, but I'm not quite sure about that one either. My friend has a Droid X and I like that. I can be picky about phones. It would be nice if T-mobile got a nice high end one.

@sweetelectro yea those things are pretty amazing!

I wish I didn't get my nexus one and waited for this. Makes me sad.