
Just finished the Last Policeman trilogy. LOVED it. A dark novel called The Captive Condition. Now onto Stephen King’s Revival.

I thought this said "armed primates" and got really confused for a bit.

MH370. /thread.

Is it just me or is that Walking Dead trailer more like a jeans commercial than a Walking Dead trailer?

"Philae to Earth: I'm not alone."

The pandas are aware. Tell others.

Oh God, this is a horrible horrible embed. A minute of commercials and then glitchy vid and funky sound. Get your act together, HBOGO

That's no moon, it's a skull.

I want my baby back, baby back... I want my baby... to not have vaccines. Bar-b-que sauce.

When I was 11 I fell in love with a girl who was abducted and murdered (Amy Mihaljevic). Her case has never been solved. When I became a journalist later in life, I constantly worked on digging up new clues. This led to my first book, a true crime thriller. Which led to more books and eventually my first novel. Now

I always thought Hoggle was actually Tommy Lee Jones.

Suddenly the mystery turns into a time travel story at the end?

I'd be interested to hear what Mel Gibson thinks of Blade Runner but only if he's loud and angry and embarrassingly anti-semetic in his review.

Mother and Man in Black. Duh.

How do I use this thing to call my mom to pick me up?

Please add lens flare here.

Don't tell me. Let me guess. You're a Libra?

I will ask you only one more time, Princess. Did you brush your teeth?

Long live the new flesh.

You do plan to... uh... have robot dinosaurs in your... uh... robot dinosaur park. Right?