Pictured is Garrett's largest turbocharger to date
Pictured is Garrett's largest turbocharger to date
Ok, I think that is great. Actually I think it is newsworthy. You should send a link to Jalopnik about the story of buying a van with a lift, preferably from a 3rd party source so as to not start me on another modesty rant.
Probably is a fantastic guy. Would he put something as basic as opening a door for an old lady on the internet? I don't understand when we came to the point this is newsworthy...this is basic, I mean the most basic of human interaction. Also, you know some people with disabilities feel unduly ashamed they need…
Ok, ok the shy thing I can agree with. I'm being an idealist in these rants. I just don't like the slide where the very basic minimums of the social fabric includes any glorification of something so basic as the helping out of a person with disabilities.
Hope? this is where we are? You mean basic common decency of helping someone with a disability is now "hope inspiring"? Get my point now? We are scraping rock bottom here, and this being on the front page of Jalopnik is a sure sign. This should be a nothing story of basic human interaction....as for filming it, ya…
look, this is a 12 sec edit.
If he would of posted the whole ride and someone happened to notice he did this it would be different....but he edited this to highlight it without regard to her feelings.
Jackass like me who believe in putting the feelings of those in need over my own social media orgasm? Did he ever think how she feels about being posted?
Then you can agree with me that they feel an unwarranted embarrassment due to sometimes needing assistance with a situation complicated by their disability. And no matter how much they shouldn't be embarrassed or ashamed it exists. And you would also agree that the comfort level of those persons with disabilities…
That would be wonderful to do nice things...I'm not at that level of kindness yet. I just do basic humanistic things without videoing and editing the encounter
I would but I don't have a Go-Pro and video editing software....anyway you missed the point totally. Not gonna retype it for you.
But but...
No this is why we can't have modest people
Huh? I will reiterate...Did I say he was a bad guy for helping her? He is an asshole for filming it...never said bad
Showing concern for people with disabilities by using the word "retarded"
who said bad? Did I? I think its great what he did!! Perhaps my point is missed...what he did is not special. My point was "Have we come to the point in society where helping a neighbor get her wheelchair unstuck special?" This dude is probably a better person than me, though not as modest perhaps, but probably better…
I would agree if he ranted about the dismal shape of handicap accessibility...instead he slapped his logo on his 12 sec. edit.
No he just edited it down to a 12 second clip and put his logo on it....
Like I said we know different people I guess...Now if your point is that because he was on a motorcycle and thus more aware of surroundings and her need for assistance then..ok I agree
Yeah..my point. Would that be Jalopnik worthy? Or would he upload that? No because it doesnt say "Look at how great I am."