
The AMGs look better, until you drive 5 miles and they are covered in brake dust. I have a E-430 MB and a 528it BMW. Merc needs wheels cleaned weekly, while the BMW rarely needs it. To be fair the Mercedes brakes are better at stopping though...

My wife and I daily drive a 1999 W210 E-430 and/or a 1999 E39 528i. Enough said. Everyday is a constant fight against rust and time. I got plenty of stories, but how about having to park with one wheel up on a curb wherever we go for about a week. The w210 shifter to transmission connector would pop off. My skinny

It is all about information and counter-information. Only ‘news’ that deviates from that cycle is dangerous

It was failure on one level: the stupid lady.

This is what oppression looks like. One day the Executive Platinum proletariat will rise up against the Admiral’s Club bourgeoisie and then they will know true struggle when forced to fly First-class without any additional perks.

You cannot turn off traction control on the vast majority of cars. You can limit its sensitivity, but you cannot turn it all the way off unless you start unplugging ECU’s and then you also lose ABS.

what about the .gif was racist? Or are you implying that the creator was racist by virtue of being American? Which would be redundant, but in that case every time you mentioned an American you would need to say “racist.” Or, do you only think Americans on the opposite end from you on the politically spectrum are

How did you have time to read this between all your PTA and Home Owners Association meetings?

I had that chassis, but in 2 wheel drive. I learned to drive in it. I took it places where 4-wheel drives got stuck (when I got stuck me and another friend would just deadlift the back end onto solid ground). First date with my wife in that truck. First err..umm special time with my wife in that truck. It was totaled

You know damn well they will reuse the “proxy genocide” story arc. Except this time instead of yellow people it will be brown people. Lazy writers.

I just bought a ‘99 528i with 10k less on the odometer for $1500.

“Known to the police”

Or worse, selling a product labeled as food out of a Burger King

How do you have time to type out such hot takes after a long day of licking the boots of your local City Council and Home Owners Association?

Shhh! Obama had a (D) by his name. Therefore, it was not extra-judicial assassinations of U.S. citizens. Get your shit together dude.

It will. Your arm power will increase after continuously punching your instrument cluster due to the persistent CEL light.

Snow tires>4wd>AWD>Front Wheel Drive>Rear Wheel Drive

While it doesn’t re-calibrate them, it sometimes will knock off excessive brake dust and glazing.

Is my understanding correct that “said supplied” was bought out and now manufacturers many parts in China (and U.S.). I have been told to find the old “stencil” parts made in Germany and to avoid the new conglomerate parts from china.

Because Hillary has a (D) beside her name. You know as well as I do that the Gawker media brand are a bunch of neo-liberal policy cheerleaders masquerading as true liberals.