It’s more “how” they lost than the fact they lost.
It’s more “how” they lost than the fact they lost.
Manziel or Hardy, who’s the worse GM?
Double Dragon Neon had me wearing the dumbest fucking grin the entire time through the credits. I am so glad a friend gifted me this game. Can’t wait to play.
Lunar magic has a steep, STEEP learning curve.
God, that’s a bleak list.
Shit, people on Deadspin write about politics and cooking all the time and occasionally. It’s almost as if the writers for these blogs are complex people with varying interests.
Poor Minnesota... it’s like feeding a puppy to a woodchipper...
I wonder how much bloated backlogs factor in. I mean... Saints Row, 90% off or whatever, but I got it last year for 75% off...
What role does owning so many games from previous sales play in the “excitement” of a sale? If you bought a lot of stuff that’s on sale now during, say, last Winter’s Sale, that cuts down the number of games on sale you care about now.
End of the genocide route.
And if there are differences in the ports? If I own Chronicles Trigger on PS1, is it OK if I pirate the DS rom, with is extra content?
That Dyne though... Damn that’s a nice drawing.
That’s an amazing shot.
Crash Bandicoot on that dude’s list makes me laugh.
Undertale is one of the few games that stuck with me for weeks after I finished it. OoT didn’t leave that impression, SMW certainly never did. Final Fantasy 6 did, but not 7.
Nothing to see here
That’s another insultingly and infuriating thing. Assuming companies don’t test things. What, do you think they just made the model, dumped stats on it and said “here ya go!”
Man, I’d hate to work on a competative multiplayer game. Feels like you can’t make any changes, barring fixing bugs, without pissing people off and getting waves of hate mail, and people demanding you listen to them.
Thank you for that public service announcement.
I find saving people much more exhilarating than getting kills. A clutch stun, or a well timed shield to help someone hang on until the rest of the team survive was a rush.