I like that some of the fake fender vents are gone. Would be nice if they’d make those body parts available as GR aftermarket parts for regular Supras.
I like that some of the fake fender vents are gone. Would be nice if they’d make those body parts available as GR aftermarket parts for regular Supras.
That’s too bad. I don’t mind the battery being small to save weight, but only if the car is able to be smart and charge it to keep constant awd capability. Plus the car not having any sort of plug is pretty unfortunate for regulatory reasons.
My partner’s car is an early BMW i8 with the 7kwh battery. Not quite as tiny…
Why didn’t they put a charging port on it? Not having the ability to plug in (even if you never intend to actually do so) means it’s not elligible for a lot of the electrified vehicle benefits and rebates.
Follow-up question: If the reason is because the battery is itty bitty - will it actually be able to function as…
Yes? You say that like it’s a bad thing that they kept making content, heists, weapons, characters, and general updates and improvements to a game for 10 years. They added a whole new storyline with a secret puzzle to unlock a secret ending. Did you expect it would be for free? The DLC goes on sale for a fraction of…
You should probably know that the loot boxes (‘vaults’) and microtransaction crap were more or less forced on the studio by the publisher, and have since been removed (they were able to get out from under that publisher and promptly pulled it all back out). Payday 2 plays better than ever now IMO.
I mean, forgetting the fact that it’s Lotus making a big heavy EV thing...
Cool! But unfortunately up in Canada (or at least in BC) the breakpoint isn’t power, it’s displacement. Anything under 400cc gets put into a much lower insurance bracket, so this won’t really be a competitor to the ZX-4RR and RC390 in that category. The next breakpoint isn’t until 750cc.
I don’t think there’s any doubt that non-ICE cars will become the norm among new vehicles eventually. ICE will be relegated to cheap used cars and enthusiast vehicles. Whether those non-ICE cars will be battery-electric or something else, who knows.
Are...are you ok? Do you need help
Daemon x Machina was an excellent way to scratch the itch between verdict day and AC6. I especially liked the addition of the co-op mode and wish that Fromsoft had added something like that to the new game.
I would argue the Matrix was a hatchback rather than a wagon. The first gen is close, the second gen is definitely just a hatchback:
It would be pretty sweet to be able to have the whole windscreen be a hud. No more need to look down at screens in the car to see directions, or music, etc. Some cars already have that but having it be larger to be more AR than a floating little screen in your vision would be cool.
This is the same as my take on the Hummer. The market for these was going to buy a giant SUV regardless. At least this is slightly less stupid.
Have overlanders really ever cared that much about weight? Full size trucks and SUVs with camping gear, tents, etc stacked on them have always been heavy. This seems like a pretty capable rig so long as you’re not going too far beyond charging infrastructure, and it’ll be able to creep along quietly in the wilderness.
Let enthusiasts have fun with cars. I’d say if there’s maybe one thing to draw a line on it’s de-catting, keep those catalytic converters on or put in high-flow ones.
Our contribution to climate change from consumer and enthusiast vehicles is miniscule compared to the corporations, private jets, etc. 100 corporations…
If that were the case, the car would make sense. But they’ve already publicly stated it is NOT a homologation car and the GT3 racer is homologated off the regular Mustang GT.
This game seems to be suffering mostly from the same issues as a lot of multiplayer-only games. They built a solid foundation, and then put bare minimum, proof of concept levels of content in it. For some reason they expect players to just...keep playing the same handful of missions over and over for no real reason…
Who is this car for? Who is looking to spend 300k on a mustang? For that price you’re well above a GT3 RS, and almost to where the presumable GT2 RS will sit. It doesn’t have the brand cache to hang at that price range, it doesn’t look like a supercar, and it won’t be a performance bargain. I’m very confused who they…
- Full interior with 2 heavy leather seats, carpet, sound deadening, screens, speakers, etc.
-Supercharger and intercooler
-active suspension and aero
-probably more heat exchangers
-heavier drivetrain (not a race sequential box)
This is built off the regular Mustang GT chassis, not the GT3 car. Given that thing weighs…