Upon careful inspection I see a parked BMW. This BMW is special because it was parked rather unasshattedly. Everyone take note.
Upon careful inspection I see a parked BMW. This BMW is special because it was parked rather unasshattedly. Everyone take note.
Damnit posting deleted and I'm in Indy too! I hope you get it, great price all day long!
Do you think before you speak (or type)?
Stay safe Travis!
Agreed! That'll help reduce the heating bill in the winter too. :D
I agree. The politics here are screwy...working in the environmental industry we see it every day. Politics and science really shouldn't mix the way they do. We can look at how long it took the EPA to get Formaldehyde listed as a HAP (hazardous air pollutant) for an quick example. In some ways its nice to realize…
Wait did I miss something? If one is down with the mundane cars and not supercars can one truly be a Jalop? I'm having a crisis. Stig, if you find the Jalops let me know where they're now congregating.
The EPA just recently got the mandate to regulate CO2 (and CO2(e)) emissions as part of the GHG (green house gas) regulatory push. I use the term recently as a relative term in regards to the glacial pace in which the agency moves with new regulations (actually it was a judicial ruling that gave them the mandate…
I'm not very familiar with the VR6 either besides know they have that odd slightly offset cylinder layout. Its great for compactness. I'm really getting into simpler cars after this one, it's my second Audi but wrenching on it is always a daunting task outside of the oil/filter changes. I have to say both of them…
Yeah, longitudinal (the only reason why I've even considered it). I've seen a couple of good kits out there, I'll have to double check the vendor (Blauparts is ringing a bell) that includes everything...water pump, thermostat and replacement crank bolts.
I was leaning towards doing it myself (I have the 2.0 TFSI). Though you do make some good points that I need to consider...This is my primary car and I'm concerned with the aluminum crank bolts which are known to shear off. I think I could get the front end off ok, but yeah...who wants to get it halfway done and then…
Thanks for reminding me that it's time to replace the timing belt (A4). I've been debating with the local Audi club if this is a feasible DIY repair or not. I normally wouldn't be too concerned with taking it in but I have an unexpected addition to the family coming and its budget reassessment time!
Thanks for the post! Personally the sound of a Miura just makes my hair stand on end, goose bumps and shivers every time I hear one.
Looks like they did some testing in the 80's with the RS200. My google fu revealed that Top Gear is reporting the police in the UK are testing a Focus ST. That article had some pictures of the ST and included the one above as well.
Still had that Audi thump when he closed the door!
The 'heads are everywhere! I think I know what I'll be listening to on the commute home.
Loving the Hunter reference!
AWD can be a bitch to launch properly. Its great if you get it right but if you get it wrong you can bog down pretty easy. Not sure that that particular Gallardo is AWD or not, just a thought.
It will definitely bring world peace but only if its parked in the Peppers garage at night. So if anybody wants world peace and has an extra $300,000 sitting around I'll get you my address post haste.