That is a beautiful color (the car's not bad either). I have to clean up the piddle of drool on my keyboard now.
That is a beautiful color (the car's not bad either). I have to clean up the piddle of drool on my keyboard now.
The manliest pink in the known universe...
Dude...I'm so going to hell for laughing my ass off at that one. Well, to be honest, I was probably already going anyway. Still I'm going to name you as an accomplice.
What the fuck does race have to do with it Thunderdouche? The other reputable commenters on this site have had a much more tactful response than the one I'm gonna lay out. Actually a little twerp like you hardly deserves any response other than being called a Thunderdouche. Oh yeah and fuck you too!
Thats just dark Ash, very, very dark. I think you should talk to someone.
I'm with you, I wouldn't want to be caught dead in the trunk of something that color.
I'd consider not letting anybody around me ever use a phone again for that. Here, just take my ear.
Soooo, writers need to type out extra words that convey the same meaning in order to ensure that they're not practicing "lazy journalism". So, do more work for works sake. That's not working smarter. Especially considering it's to appease someone with a stick firmly wedged 'twixt their buttocks.
Can I get an AMEN! Can you imagine parallel parking that thing though...I'd have forearms the size fire hydrants within a week.
I don't think this is an issue of our government working for or against us. Generally when these laws are written it is with industry influence, lobbyists, etc. This very well could be the case of outsized industry influence that creates these loopholes. IIRC the auto industry was supportive of the new standards…
This is not the yacht you're looking for...
All pollutant control strategies essentially transfer pollutants from one media to another...water treatment filter cakes (liquid to solid), baghouses and cyclones (air to solid)...etc. The goal is to get the pollutants into a form that's easier to handle, treat or dispose of.
"I hacked up a plug pack with an RCA plug to suit."
Whoa! You keep Reservoir Dogs outta this!
I think we should tie him to the back of a Viper and get hoontastic! The relentless absurdism is getting tiring.
Mind blown
Well played sir!
I'm an old fashioned 4D Maglite kinda guy. Same location though :)
For that price...and as an Audi man: