This warms the cockles of my cold heart. To many times I go through the day feeling and seeing no compassion or empathy to those that surround me. Moving through life in my own little emotionless bubble, frustrated during the commutes by all the idiots looking at their little electronic devises and feeling smug…
I'd love to vote Nice Price but the ad carried this little tidbit at the end...
I was expecting this...Thank you once again!
Yeah, IIRC thats exactly what they do. Walk down the street and try the door handles. I think it was reported here at some point, but I'm not sure. Did a quick Google search for this story, not exactly what I was looking for but a detailed search will have to wait. I'm supposed to be doing other things, not…
I know of some municipalities that will ticket you if they find your car unlocked. Not getting into a legal liability vs wrongdoing debate but this would indicate that you're doing something wrong if you receive an infraction.
I've been on the verge today myself as any sane person can only put up with so much stupidity. The AE-86 videos were almost the last straw but I ultimately decided not to engage as he's obviously a badge poseur and not worth the effort. Well, my effort anyway but I will say thank you kind sir, thank you for…
If you changed the word Viper to F40 that description still applies wonderfully, and I most certainly would call an F40 exotic. Me Gusta!
//Buzzkill :D
Interesting idea....could enough compression be generated in the design for it to work properly though? I don't know, just curious...
Certainly, we have a lot of small towns around here. It's arbitrary but we don't consider anything less than 20,000 to be a city and any town is a small town.
Isn't it great? This is one of the less egregious instances I've come across during my time here but is a great example of what I call penis-politic.
Getting stoned is what started this whole thing...
O' cruel fate, to be thusly boned! Ask not for whom the bone bones - it bones for thee.
More government transparency can't be a bad thing!
Respectfully disagree (because political vitriol is way too high right now). Its the weakness of the government to control large corporations (too big to fail), money laundering banks, and a congress that is more beholden to lobbyists than the people they represent. Never mind the constant barrage of lies put forth…
+1 If a government is not powerful enough to control the corporations within its borders the corporations will control the government. This is the worst of all possible situations in my mind. Some crusty old white dude from the way back times had some quote about this that gets repeated occasionally IIRC.
That seems like a perfectly reasonable statement made by a perfectly reasonable individual.
Agreed, if its not a false positive he deserves whats coming. Maybe the public at large doesn't need to know but this type of information (the person and specifics of that particular test) but it does need to be disseminated somehow. I think the average Joe taking a drug test for a job, or that is in a random…