+1 That was my thought too. You don't grab the wheel when I'm driving, get out and walk. Maybe you can saddle up that deer back there.
+1 That was my thought too. You don't grab the wheel when I'm driving, get out and walk. Maybe you can saddle up that deer back there.
The multiple tests rule out a lab error nothing more, its the same sample, collected at the same time, then split. Its still possible that the test was positive due to an ingested substance that no one knew would trigger a positive test.
Disagree, many substances ingested and in many cases combinations of substances ingested may result in a "false positive" test. It happens quite often as what is actually being analyzed in a drug test is not the presence of the controlled compound in question but the compound the body breaks it down to during the…
Tasty, tasty, penalties.
Kung Pao chicken summit?
Really Ben, posting this was a good idea?
The ignorant are usually proud of their ignorance.
Thanks, rad_mike. I had a lot more to say but I didn't know if the comentariat would be that interested. Your angle on it got me started then I realized I get paid for that and decided to go back to work. I don't think Benjamin is fully aware of how confusing all of these different, and sometimes competing (and…
Sorry for the delayed response...I, like many others am having issues with the commenting system. No my friend, I'm not a hoarder. All I can say is strudel icing tastes much better than the sticky syrups one might find in, uhhh, an adult store....annnd in this economy its thrifty too!
Agreed. These are two different issues. CERCLA (Superfund) is about clean-up and ensuring the sites are identified, prioritized, and properly cleaned up. Modeling is modeling...and is not an exact science yet...especial air modeling. To many variables to track and process in order to reach one (1) answer:…
Icing pouches are not annoying. I like to eat 2 strudels at once and save one pouch for later...
This doesn't involve the DMV as she was apparently licensed and insured on the car. The insurance that is refferred to is production insurance for the movie. This is more of a breach of contract rather than a criminal matter.
Not if you're a Party official and the tail is a hot actress...
I think that's one of the most awesome customized plates I've seen. Not very PC but hilarious nonetheless.
"Even with the delay the plane took second place in the speed round and one the handicapped section outright. It was a great victory for the airline, country, and the a small Australian town."
I'm glad you had a great time. I considered paying the mark up because I've tried for the last 2 years to get through...I was just so frustrated this year I decided not to. It's nice that 3F are trying to make more tickets available through other means.
Ahhh you made DLD? That's awesome, I have tried for the last 2 years to get tickets...no dice. I'm semi-local(?), and didn't hear about the local release of tickets until it was too late. How was this years brew?
After reviewing the pictures I decided to call the angry butt syndrome.
Audi definitely under boosts the engines. They are capable of handling much high boost pressures than what is set at stock. Of course having to spend more money to chip an already expensive engine kinda proves your point.