
Kat, what is it with you and phallic objects?

I got my dad to download it this week. Win.

Also, this.


SUCH a bullshit gun in Goldeneye 007 for N64. XD

@Nitesh: If you didn't have a star already...

I would do it for the hat alone.

But I cried the whole time,

It hurts to be gay, tell your parent that you trust, love and care for, and have them kick you out because he "can't have you around the kids." It hurts to be ignored because you won't conform to a rigidly Christian lifestyle. I was fortunate enough to not be abused as a young child, but to some small degree, I can

I'll just stick with a personal favorite, thanks.

I got to ride on one of these to Hawaii with my uncle. He let me lay down and look out of those windows when a plane came to refuel. There are joysticks to steer the boom, and all kinds of fancy readouts. I felt at home, as a gamer. :) Rest of the flight was kickass, too. Sleeping bags on the floor, ear protectors,

Those pictures are SO FUCKING COOL. They give me vertigo.

I hate the integrated USB stick...

Until, as it's an HP, it invariably dies four months later.

Ah, Thinkpad. A 90's name kept too long, redeemed by kickass performance.

That's super kickass. Not much more can be said.