
I love the rev limiter.

From having owned one, I'm gonna have to vote for the GNX. It's STILL a badass car.

@pdubs1087: Most of the time they'll just speed off swearing. Do you ride bikes on the road daily?

I just hit the car with my eight-pound chain lock. I only do that if they almost kill me, which has happened three times. Otherwise a water bottle in the open window or a quarter to the windshield usually does the trick.

Erm... It's a travois with a bike wheel. The fact that this is a THOUSAND DOLLARS enrages me to a degree that I cannot express through a keyboard.

@Vhalkyrie: It's not semantics; 4chan and a legitimate "hacking" group are two very different things.

Or just don't go online... That's cool too.

@Vhalkyrie: *facepalm* It WAS NOT FUCKING 4CHAN.

I drove my grandpa's RV. I bolted a chandelier to the ceiling and we drove to prom with three other couples.

@mrm: N2O isn't flammable. It is an oxidizer that allows the fuel to burn hotter in an engine.

Fucking Disney Channel. It does HORRIBLE things to the kids featured on it.

I am SO not okay with that... I would flip my shit. And I am normally a rational person who was once locked in the bathroom at a Love's overnight. That, sir, was hellish.


How is needle moisture content above 100%?

@Lucid420: Pick a roll and go at it. Oh, you mean the bike?

The worst auto-themed gifts?