
God damnit America. Change over already. At least we were allowed to do AP Physics in metric...

Her computer's description always bugged me until I remembered when it was written.

@Walking Eye!: You got lost. Just walk through the damn rows!

@choochooboi: Guess you never experienced the orgasm that is N64.

Jon Anderson is fuckin-a RIGHT.

@philphil: No, no. He needs a can of PBR and we're all set.

I know...

For Linksys I'm gonna have to nominate the WRT family. I mean who hasn't had one... Maybe it wins the nostalgia prize.

I just use my stucco...

I go there ALL THE TIME. I'm hoping to be hired soon. :D

@alienshards: Actually that's just a capacitor that blew up... It happens a lot in thunderstorms here in Phoenix.

@awperk: I have a Kindle 3 and love it. The LCD completely ruins that concept.

I read that as "Impulse Buses" and went O.o

Fucking develop profitable color e-ink already. Jesus. LCD does not an e-reader make.

@Harrison: He goes to some Volkswagen expo every year. It won an award.