
Lies, it's french fries.

I never comment, but had to share this story.

Strange. Given that he's a Latino, I'd have thought he would be partial to a tag.

You know what? There's getting in people's heads, Reggie on Starks, there's intimidating opponents, Charles Oakley, then there is flat out crazy eyes. Lance Stephenson has crazy eyes. He's so fucking stupid he literally psyched out his own psyche trying to psyche out the Heat/Lebron.

Cabrera's nut shot seemed so gratuitous. I mean, he already reached third base once.

You're his mom, right?

No, I see that he talks like a weasel.

Red Sox fans: Making other fans seem tolerable by comparison since 1908.

Umm, fan of neither team here...but, do you not recall the century prior to the last decade in which the Yankees made the Red Sox their bitch on the regular?? Just curious.

Not all cults are bad...

[Bites off tongue in pepileptic fit]

From Little League to High School, that is for sure how everyone learns to catch. In the big leagues, though, catchers almost always leave their right hand dangling when there's a runner on base to prepare for a quick snap throw.

Brian, why are you searching for Kevin Costner films?

Welcome aboard Elizabeth.

banging on Knoblauch's hotel room door to make sure he was there.

Two in the pink, one in the clink.

I don't know; that's actually a little sad. I mean, the man is legitimately brain damaged.