
I’m not trying to make a slippery slope argument here. I’m just using mild exaggeration to home-in my point, but you already know that. I guess expecting basement dwellers on the internet to be intellectually honest is too much.

It is important because the word-of-the-day can be interpreted as being NYT endorsed, so it makes total sense to remove potentially offensive words from the list. But the guess-list is supposed to be straight up a list of words from the dictionary and last time I checked slave and pussy were still in the dictionary.

I don’t get that at all. They could have easily added the removed words to the guess-list if it was indeed a technical issue as you described.

Because a ton of people care about it?

I would agree if they only banned these words from the answer-list. But banning them from the guess-list is just plain stupid.

I would agree if they only banned these words from the answer-list. But banning them from the guess-list is just plain stupid.

I would agree if they only banned these words from the answer-list. But banning them from the guess-list is just plain stupid.

but banning them from the guess-list? I get banning them from the answer list but not letting people guess offensive words is just plain stupid

My parents were very controlling in terms of what I ate when I was young and that wasn’t healthy for me at all. When I grew up and didn’t have my parents policing my food intake, I overcompensated on the side of eating junk food, and I still have difficulty controlling my intake of junk food at times. I can’t help but

How is this headline or the article punching up when you insult millions of people who share the same physical characteristic with Bezos? Is insulting people for being black okay just cause you’re insulting Candace Owens? A bad take is a bad take.

Lol you haven’t dealt with the American immigration system, it seems.

Just don’t play games that turn you into a cranky old boomer

I don’t know how well it would work for languages that use accented letters. Also, a large number of languages are written using Abujidas which won’t work at all, and neither will word-character based written systems like Chinese.

lol as if Disney could ever make enough money to afford Microsoft or Apple. 

You are what they call a statistical outlier. Not everyone can be lucky enough to be one.

I recently switched to an iPhone and I miss my Galaxy S9 so much every single day. But the fact that I love my Apple watch and there’s no decent fitness watch alternative on Android side makes me think I’m gonna be stuck in the ecosystem for a while.

Android tablets haven’t been good for a while. I think the last decent one that could hold its own against the iPad was Nexus 7 from back in the day. I’ve heard some new Samsung ones are pretty good, but even then they’re not gonna have optimized apps for tablets (and Samsung makes so many different variants, I’m sure

For all we know, the bug has already been filed internally with the right repro steps and they just rolled back to a previous deployment without the bug and are waiting to patch it before rerolling out again.

More likely they know exactly what’s wrong in the code. Repro steps are helpful sometimes but sometimes it’s just easier to go through the code for someone familiar

I don’t blame them for not including immigration questions in the FAQ. As an immigrant, I know how much of a convoluted fucking mess the US immigration system is and that FAQ would need to be 10s of pages in the least just to cover all immigration scenarios for majority employees. And this is discounting special cases