I believe the toy rc missions are optional for SA
I believe the toy rc missions are optional for SA
I wasted like a month trying to beat Demolition Man as a kid
As someone who has extensively traveled in the American south (and am non-white), you are p much absolutely correct. Large towns and cities are fine, but just the way people look at you is enough to deter me from ever going back to the tiny redneck towns.
Gaming companies have a lot worse in terms of perks compared to traditional tech
My old Galaxy S9 used to do this. It also automatically blocked a lot of spam calls and displayed “Suspected Spam” for a lot others. This is probably one of the few features I severely miss after I switched to an iPhone (others being notifications and text copy paste controls)
I think the censorship would make complete sense if the Swastika was being used outside of the original Japanese context but I don’t get why it needs to be censored when the anime setting makes it clear that the Swastika isn’t being used there as a symbol of Nazism.
This is such a cultural imperialist take. I can’t even. Why should religions on the other side of the globe drop their usage of a symbol they have used for millenia because a European asshole appropriated it?
Yeah I don’t understand this. Christians seem to be using crosses fine even with the linking of Nordic cross to white supremacy. Why should a Hindu symbol be mistreated because a European asshole appropriated it? Obviously flying a Swastika without context in Western society is stupid but this anime is supposed to…
Bruh I’m speaking for myself. So please speak for yourself and not for entire Asians. Fuck the CCP.
As an Asian, the CCP doesn’t represent me. Please take your CCP apologist views with you and don’t speak for me.
Do these also have less chance of causing long-term hearing deficiencies? With how often I use my headphones, I feel like that might be a good reason to switch if that’s the case
Huh I work in Bellevue and never realized Valve was located right there
So the iphone 12 mini appears in the title but nowhere else?
So the iphone 12 mini appears in the title but nowhere else?
I don’t understand why people install beta/insider builds on their daily machines smh
Those dems probably were taking the same lobbying money. They had to make a show for their constituents but once they had an excuse to not follow through, they took it.
But didn’t the lightning have less preorders than the cybertruck?
I actually really like the widget
Apple TV+ also has some great content
Name recognition and the UI. I can’t stand Prime for instance even though it has a much better movie catalog imo.
Well when you got “Shilling” for your last name, you’re kinda doomed to not being honest on your articles I guess