
How can you tell it wouldn’t have been worse if it wasn’t split off?

That was a very interesting read, thank you!

Can I get a link?

No fees, great cash back on Food and Drinks, No foreign transaction fees (those 3% surcharges add up real quick). I used it a ton during my study abroad semester and I use it a lot while eating out/ going out rn after graduating.

Why not the Uber visa card?

The video doesn’t play.

Where is this? I’m talking more from my experience in SF where zoning laws are restrictive and people just love to blame the tech companies for expansion instead of restricting these laws to have more housing.

I studied at an expensive (and highly ranked) private school most of you have probably heard of in the US. All fully paid for by the institution (including my meals and housing). And now I am working as an engineer at a company I guarantee you’ve all heard of. The company is trying their best (for the most part) to

There’s gonna be no solution to the housing crisis unless zoning laws are relaxed.

I grew up nowhere near Mexico and the corn flakes thing was also true for my parents lol

Those were my exact thoughts lol.

Nashville Hot Chicken is the bomb. I wish there was a place in Seattle that did an authentic Nashville hot chicken.

true i guess haha

This is too abstract of a paradigm to affect my daily spending habits or make me rethink my budgeting. 

I enjoyed the Speaker’s speech immensely.

The ivy league sports teams already suck.

One of the reasons I invested in the Pax Era rather than using a random vape stick was that they at least seem to have standardized pods from manufacturers and have clear documentation on how the vape is being heated.

I’m guessing this protest is driven more by their Engineering and Product teams rather than their warehouse workers. That probably means they don’t really care that much about the issues that affect the blue collar workers.

This very much reminds me of one of my breakups, sigh....

Man I really need to try this now